I've been downloading porn recently. I grabbed some audio porn from a certain IRC channel a couple of weeks ago, and a few nights ago I thought, what the hell, why not grab a wee movie as well. So I downloaded three short films of masturbating women. Two were utter utter crap, but one was...not bad. Not bad at all. I haven't watched it in full yet though. In fact, I'd forgotten it was even there until just now. Dunno why I haven't watched it properly yet.
I actually quite like amateur porn. The professional stuff just has this fake element that gets very boring very fast, whereas the amateur stuff...one can actually believe they're not faking.
But even then...I can't really use it for its traditional purpose of masturbatory enhancement. I tend to detach myself from it, and when I'm watching it, sure I will get a stiffy and everything, but most of my mind automatically focuses on the humourous aspects of it...and really noticing the things going on in the video that I find just weird, rather than arousing.
Like, in the case of this one...the dildo the girl was using. Now...how could a guy see stuff like this and not feel a bit inadequate? I mean, somewhere inside one's head, one would be thinking, now...to be satisfied, she requires something like that...whereas in my trousers I'm carrying this...for I am but a human being, and she seems to prefer the attentions of an elephant...so I might as well not bother...
She was using her fingers for most of it, though...the unrealistically large dildo played, as far as I've seen, a rather minor part in the proceedings. So...it was the kind of stuff I was after. But I just can't get into porn properly, I mock it too much to get turned on by it.
But what the hell. I'd never downloaded porn before, and...well...that's what the internet's for, right?
Lastly, hallo
utero, how's it going? Welcome to the sewer of my mind. How did you find your way here, if I may ask? Just idle curiosity.
I'm tired, so I'll end here. Nothing more to add anyway.
Oh, and I must get round to having a crack at writing pornographic fiction sometime soon. Or maybe not. We'll see.