i'm graduating a fancy ass private liberal school and i'm mad at them.

Feb 09, 2010 13:10

so today was the senior commencement fair at my college. apparently there was a ton of stuff to fill out for the alumni office - uh, no, i don't want to give you my information. all the school is going to use it for is to call and write me for money because we're an obscenely expensive private school that no normal person or family can afford without aid.

i so regret going to you, stupid college. i won't have any money to give you until after i pay of my THOUSANDS of dollars in debt from my barely adequate undergrad education. please go jump off a bridge.

you can't even use the money you have correctly! we're getting a new science building while one of the girls' dorms has ceilings that fall into the bathroom and potentially has black mold!??!

long, complaining story short: i hate you, college. hate. you.

life, complaining, college

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