at last.

Sep 29, 2003 05:02

it's a grace kelly movie

just got in from orlando.

andrew and i had the best time EVER.
it was so great to be away from everything...
it was even better to be away from everything in his company

we got in free to plea for peace, ate like the fatasses that we are, drove around aimlessly, laughed, stayed at the comforting comfort inn, and listened to radiohead the whole time we were there <3

i got anxious coming back to miami because everything is so negative down here.
once we got into miami lakes reality set in and it kinda hit me that this is what i have to work with and i might as well deal with it.
and you know what? fuck it.
the evening ended on a wonderful note ;)

not one person in the world provides me with better conversation, company, affection and friendship...

i am violently happy.
this was much needed.

i love life.
the end.
((well, not really. not at all))
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