Why Obama is not the person to run America

Jun 07, 2008 03:13

(If you are only going to read part of this, then please read the bottom paragraphs, as they hold the most substance.


Obama was the only member of the Illinois State Senate to vote against a bill that prohibited early release for sexual predators.

Obama received campaign contributions from William Ayers, a self admitted terrorist who has taken responsibility for at least 12 bombings, including the New York City police headquarters in 1970, the U.S. Capitol building in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. Ayers has been quoted as saying, "I don't regret setting bombs. ... I feel we didn't do enough." And in an interview with David Horowitz he also said, "Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. America is a great country." Obama solidified his political friendship with this man in 1995 when he went to his home, and met with Ayers and his family to secure campaign contributions.

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright problems go without saying, but it is worth mentioning that Obama attended this church regularly for 20 years. This church where the pastor has blamed America for the attacks of 9/11, basically saying we got what we deserved.

Obama also received contributions from Jodie Evans, a radical, anti-American activist who helped orchestrate a scheme that provided $600,000 in aid to Islamic terrorists in Iraq. When she wasn't determinedly undermining U.S. troops in Iraq, Evans was working to help advance the anti-American Marxist regimes of Fidel Castro in Cuba and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Evans isn't just a Barack Obama fund raising bundler; she also put together Obama's first Hollywood fundraiser.

Obama supports change. This we all know, because well...That's all he ever says. His entire platform is set on two things. He's not George Bush..And he supports "change.


Some of those changes include the development of universal health care. He goes on and on about how he will make sure every American is insured, and yes, that does sound great. But he has no plan. No plan what so ever. All he has said is that he is going to tax the rich in order to pay for it, but he has never even stated what "it" is. (I guess the proven history that over taxation on a capitalistic structure ALWAYS pushes the regression of innovation). Plainly said, if you tax to death the people actually coming up with the ideas to make money, why would they continue to develop the innovations. The top 10% of Americans already cover the bill of 77% of the entire tax revenue of our country.

Obama refuses to pay patronage to the US flag during the national anthem, yet he is running for president..Make sense?

Obama supports setting an exact time table for a troop withdraw from the middle east. When you think about it logically, this makes no sense. In the words of a good friend of mine. "It's like being in a staring contest with someone, and letting them know exactly when you are going to blink." It makes no sense.

Obama was a strong supporter of the recently quelled Climate Security Act of 2007 (S 2191). This proposal guaranteed energy costs increases through the capping of global emissions. Some important examples of this are as follows.

Your monthly electric bill pre-2191 $97.


Your monthly electric bill post-2191 $137.

77(through gradual implementation by 2010)

Your current national avg on a gallon of gas pre-2191 $3.


Your national avg price on a gallon of gas post-2191 $6.


Obama supports partial birth abortion without limitations. I understand that the debate of pro-life vs pro-choice is one that will never be finalized. With that being said, I have to point out that Obama has outspokenly supported unrestricted abortions meaning that a woman could carry a child to full term and while in labor decide that she wants an abortion. This is a little too much for me to swallow.

Obama speaks of himself as being the candidate to unite the nation, but at the same time speaks of the ideals that perpetuate the racial divide. He has stated multiple times that he could/would never abandon the "Black Value System." But, my question is, why is there a "Black Value System?" We are a nation built out of a vast multitude of cultural and religious background.

When he publicly states that he only supports a solitary value system, how is that a uniting principal?

Obama advocated the communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land, as part of a forced "development plan", an important element of his attack on the government's advocacy of private ownership, land titles, and property registration.

Obama advocated the nationalization (socialization) of "European" and "Asian" owned enterprises, including hotels, with the control of these operations handed over to the "indigenous" black population.

Obama advocated dramatically increasing taxation on "the rich" even up to the 100% level, arguing that, "there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay" and that, "Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.

(For those of you who do not grasp the importance of this, i'll lay it out nice and simple. Obama is stating that he would support the complete base of a communistic political structure if the ends justify the means. In essence, all of the work you do, would be for the government, and regardless of the amount of work you do, you would have the same life as everyone else. There would be no such thing as personal growth through hard work in America anymore. You could spend 10 years in school to be a brain surgen, and live in the same house and have the same car as the guy flipping burgers. That being if Obama's extreme environmental plans don't ban car emissions completely.


Obama has only implemented one economic bill in his short term as a senator, and while this alone shows his inexperience to deal with national budget crisis, it's also important to point out that his billed failed in a vote of 99-0. Yes, he voted against his own bill after learning of his flawed policy.

I have went to great lengths to avoid making disparaging personal attacks on Senator Obama, or his family. (Which while researching his positions, is not an easy thing to do.) I have completely overlooked some of the anti-American statements made by Mr. Obama, and his wife, because I feel that his record alone would be enough to condemn him, but for making yourself a more informed voter it is definitely worth looking into.

I understand we live in a world full of contrasting ideas, but my final point is this. Senator Obama (IS) the poster child for pre-revolution 1960's socialistic views held by those such as Stalin, Marx, and Fidel Castro. I have to ask myself, one question. Then why would he run for president of the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen, while supporting the exact opposite of ideals that lead to us being able to get where we are. I for one love my freedom. I love being able to live my life with out the government being able to intervene.

I know a lot of Obama's support comes from Americans my age. They feel as if they are rebelling against the government, or some sort of unseen institution by voting for liberal, or "progressive" policies. It is just when you come to actually engage their ideals, you find that they are totally mislead by a complete misunderstanding of the actual value system. I support an America that allows people to prosper through hard work and determination. I support an America that still conveys the ideals of personal responsibility, rather than that of an entitlement mentality. I still support the America built by great leaders such as John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. I believe the government should do as LITTLE as it has to, to keep a stabilized economy, a basic infrastructure, and should be there to take care of those ONLY who can truly not take care of themselves. We ultimately lose our freedoms when we allow the government to decide what is best for us, over our own judgment. And, that is what Barack Obama stands for.

If you still feel he knows what is best for you, over what you feel is best for yourself, then by all means vote for him. But if you believe in a nation that should protect us only from worldly dangers, and not from ourselves, then please, vote for ANYONE besides Barack Obama.

(From John F.

Kennedy's Inaugural address)

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

Ronald Reagan-
Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
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