A reply to a
rather panicked missive is rapidly sent.
Dear James;
I apologize and am currently in the place with the bloody great triangular things. Lovely Bathing Beauty has been Reunited With Family in Very Touching Moment After Which They Sold Her Again. Could do nothing. Your brandy is gone.
Aye Cannot Find your Previous Letter and Suspect Union Jack of eating it. Always wanted Duck-Billed Beaver Cat boots. Or Boot as I Doubt Most Seriouslywe could make two as he his Not Big Enough Despite Eating Your Letter.
Occurances Are Simply Explainable, In All Honesty: I tried to purchase Girl from Owner. Owner said No. I Bargained. Owner Said No. Girl Cried. Pirate! And then we Ran. Am Perfectly Healthy And Fine excepting entire Adventure Is Failed, etc.
I miss your Brandy, James, but not as much as You.
Grovelling, again,
Post-Script: Is Your Damn War Over Yet?