Jan 20, 2004 20:08
So maybe I haven't giving up on you livejournal. But I am in the works of making another journal. OH GOD , yes I know ANOTHER one. I can ever make up my mind.
name thought: PaleSeptember
eh- I went through so many , thats the onlt half decent one I could compromise.
midtrems=April's worst nightmare. I cant wait till tomorrow. I dont have to go in till the second test, oh yes rest rest rest. I cant wait till vacation. And I can't wait ill nexy term when I am really going to try my best , and I mean VERY BEST> I cant wait till I get a parking spot, oh shizzle speaking of I need to get that, but unfortuatly i dont have a car, seeing as my dad's truck was totalled a few months back. He doesnt even know when it will be ready. So as of now I only get the car on the weekends. Grr. Some is better then none I guess. I should go to bed now I am dying of this horrible cold I have. Colds always fall at the worst possible time, a.k.a when you CAN'T stay home and get rest. Damnit, I must have sneezed about fifty times today. Nose = bright red, it's really hott actually if your really into that roudolph shit. Anyway have fun don't study too hard, and watch American Idol tryouts because you will seriously pee your pants.