First time I'm doing this, but hopefully not the last! These are pics from home that Mom sent me to show me how Fuzz has been doing, and to introduce me to Foster, our new bunny!
Typical pic of Fuzz, being puddle-like and lazy in the sunlight. I miss her so much!
*gasp!* ...those of you who are familiar with my hare will know that in the past, those who have tried to hold her have been grievously injured. Apparently, times are changing. Look at the blissful expression on my mom's face. Aww...
A few of Foster's baby pictures.
Awww. So tiny! look at those ears... :dies of cuteness: and all the fluff around her face!... too bad she's grown now, she won't look this small when I meet her.
Both bunnies, Foster is slightly older here. Mom doesn't let them out of their cages together for fear that Fuzz will attempt to eat Foster. Foster loves to be near Fuzz, however, and is always sniffing at her through the bars of Fuzz's cage. Fuzz is very surly about it, simply grunts and turns her tail. When I get home I am determined to make them friends. :nods:
Why Foster is hiding in my old wicker garbage can, I will never know. It is really cute though, and Mom says she has a fondness for squeezing into small spaces, such as under desks. For this habit, Mom has nick-named her Mouse.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the cuteness. Especially the Arli =^^= And I hope to be posting some pics from my stay in Bristol as well, in the near future.