This is my 1000th entry. I've had my LJ since January 2005 although my
first entry wasn't until May, just a month before I got married. This month, Lee and I will have been married for nine years.
I used to post a lot. LJ was different then, wasn't it? There were communities and comment threads and fics galore. I was still posting on Xanga, too, although that died as LJ was more immediate. And now LJ has only a few people still sailing the good ship. It's not as fast or as easy as Tumblr, which I love for those reasons.
Lots of things change in 9 years, both personally, socially, and in wider society. The main one for me is my dad's death, of course. It's a watershed, I was a different person before to who I am now. Friends come and go - some you miss and some you're better off without. Some friends I made on here are still friends and have turned into in-real-life friends. That's not weird anymore, is it, not like it used to be.
Who do I write for, now? I'm not sure. I still keep a paper journal although I'm increasingly unsure why, but I started that habit in November 2005 and have rarely stopped. I had one year where I wrote in a day diary instead, but I'm journalling a lot recently. But why? Who for? I dug out a couple of old journals recently because I wanted to check a fact/date, and they just made me sad. Tonight, reading old LJ entries has the same effect.
Nothing turns out like you want it to.