Apr 18, 2008 12:36
First of all, I screwed myself over pretty good missing my registration day for the Fall. Cause after I found out, all the classes I needed were closed. T_T And I mean freaking everything. All I can take is art history....
There was 3 spots for a art class I need, so I had to get on to register today at 8:00am. Freaking over slept. All spots were gone...
I wanted to die. Then, by a glimmer of hope. I rechecked another class I desperately need. On the page it says they are all closed...but there WAS 1 SPOT LEFT. AHHHHHHH.
God I hate this school and it's freaking impossible classes.
Though I got that much, I still need 3 more classes. So... Two art historys..... (yes, I'm probably going to fail both). Then Japanese..... God....I hate Japanese. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.