Aug 27, 2007 17:28
"It also blows a few raspberries and does a Shin-chan ass
dance. Reality is a big jerk sometimes."
In other news, I hate the university book store. Yes, I always have, though they did give my that big potato bag of a purse that's nice to throw my stuff in. They don't have "ANY" of my books stocked. It's been like that for over a week. The Colloquium doesn't have it either. Wth, really. Already have reading assignments and I'm like the only one without a book.
In other, other news: My classes just started which I signed up Communication Design [my major] Foundation III, which for some moronic reason I was credited for I and II, so I thought, hooray, skipping a year. But no. As I first sit down in the class, the entire room is filled with these giant big screened MACs.
It's sad, since I really don't even know how you're supposed to turn it on. The teacher comes in and introduces what we will be doing. I slowly realize this class is over my head. Then she went on some spill about YOU MUST BUY A MAC DON'T COME TO ME WITH YOUR PC PROBLEMS B/C I'VE NEVER USED ONE AND MACS ARE THE INDUSTRY STANDARD NOW GTFO.
Well, I added the last phrase. But that's how it was in my head.
I told her about that I was credited for I and II, but I wasn't sure if I should have. In the end, I had my credits reevaluated. So I now I must take foundation I. Sigh. I was lucky a teacher had an opening in their class, though since I missed the first day I'm a little disoriented in the art supplies list. He's really nice so I think it will hopefully be an amusing experience for a freshman courseness.
I wish it was still summer, don't you?