(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 03:42

i know i suck

but if you only knew

i suffered 5 days of nausea, vomitting, diaherra in order to rid myself of tonsilitis. nice eh?

oh let me not forget fever blisters....i have a picture somewhere of my lip i will show you. they have yet to go away fully.

i'm stable enough to sit up and walk around a bit but standing for more than 5 minutes and walking around for more than 2 minutes i get extremely winded and light headed. guess that comes from 3 of my sick days not being able to eat a thing. o.0

but yes i live.

sorry i lack anything better to say.
to make it even better last date i recalled was sept. 7th and here it is the 13th. yikes what worm hole was i in?

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