Updates & Misc.

May 06, 2007 21:09

Fic lists:
H/D rec list - 13 new.
Horcruxes list - 1 new.

Art lists:
Fanart making fun of canon - 6 new. I also expanded that list a bit, so it now also includes not just fanart making fun of the books, but also other "canon", namely the films. And I also made a separate section with the created in anticipation of Deathly Hallows and on the basis of the cover art for the book.
Two new lists: Fanart making fun of fanon (fanfic clichés and similar) and HP crossover art. I posted these last night, but I added to them today again. So if you saw them last night, you might want to check them again. :)

I'm still going through the art bookmarks. I thought I'd make a few more lists (one or two), for example one could be historical fanart. This would be art where the characters are drawn in other historical periods, for example the Second World War or the Roman era. Would anybody be interested in me making that list? :)

gossymer wants to know which new authors or stories you have recently discovered. And she's also also looking for H/D fanart recs. :)

updates, hp: misc

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