I came across another fic today where Harry sees Snape's/Draco's arm with its Dark Mark and is shocked/disgusted/saddened/etc. by seeing it. And I was thinking that it doesn't really make much sense for it to be visible.
Having written a Dark Mark fic, I have mulled over most of the things you mention, plus some other points relating to the why's and wherfore's. I chose to interpret that after Voldie called everyone back to his circle in GoF, when he was 're-born' for want of a better description, that he would have had the ability to once again manipulate the dark Mark, using it to contact his DE's.
Up until that point, I think the fact that they were red/faded suggested that after years of inactivity, the thing had almost become invisible. But regardless of whether characters are 'live' DE's or ones who have 'left' his servcie, there is still the comment Sirius made, which said that it's not possible to stop being a DE.
Having said that, I don't think JKR gave much thought to DE's as a whole. I mean, they're not even mentioned until GoF, despite book 3 being about Sirius, and his being Voldie's number one boy, allegedly. On that basis, I just don't think she thought about the Dark Mark, either. The fact that it IS visible, even when Voldie was inactive is the thing that tells me it's there. As to why the Ministry didn't just ask people to roll their sleeves up when they were searching for DE's - i have no idea. Another plot hole.
Yup, that's what I think too. The Mark faded when he "faded", and when he came back he could call them again . :)
But I'm really doubtful if it was at all visible to others besides the Marked while he was gone... I mean, even Voldemort says "it's back" when he looks at Peter's (red) mark before he calls for the DEs. I understood that like this: the Mark turns red (he's anouncing his return), then he calls the DEs by putting his hand on it, and the Mark turns black (Snape says it burnt black). So I thought the Mark sort of turns from flesh becoming more red and then into black, and then back into flesh again. But I'm probably overanalysing, and it's just a plot-hole. :D
Oh, I know what you mean. Sometimes, I sweat over her inconsistencies, trying to find a REASON for her to have done whatever it is ON PURPOSE, when the reality is it's more than likely jus an inconsistency!
Yeah. Usually when there's something weird in the books that just doesn't make any sense, I either explain it by "it's magic, so it doesn't have to make sense" or that it's a plothole. :)
Up until that point, I think the fact that they were red/faded suggested that after years of inactivity, the thing had almost become invisible. But regardless of whether characters are 'live' DE's or ones who have 'left' his servcie, there is still the comment Sirius made, which said that it's not possible to stop being a DE.
Having said that, I don't think JKR gave much thought to DE's as a whole. I mean, they're not even mentioned until GoF, despite book 3 being about Sirius, and his being Voldie's number one boy, allegedly. On that basis, I just don't think she thought about the Dark Mark, either. The fact that it IS visible, even when Voldie was inactive is the thing that tells me it's there. As to why the Ministry didn't just ask people to roll their sleeves up when they were searching for DE's - i have no idea. Another plot hole.
But I'm really doubtful if it was at all visible to others besides the Marked while he was gone... I mean, even Voldemort says "it's back" when he looks at Peter's (red) mark before he calls for the DEs. I understood that like this: the Mark turns red (he's anouncing his return), then he calls the DEs by putting his hand on it, and the Mark turns black (Snape says it burnt black). So I thought the Mark sort of turns from flesh becoming more red and then into black, and then back into flesh again. But I'm probably overanalysing, and it's just a plot-hole. :D
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