Apr 03, 2006 18:33
How yaw like the new look? I find it ta be quite cute! hehehe! I just got tired of the old one, it was time for a change, plus John was sleeping and I needed somethang ta do! hehe!
I'm oh so happy that the stupid bitches aint been posting on here no more since I changed my shit! Yeah I know who it is and she came REALLY damn close ta gettin her fuckin ass beat taday but John wouldn't lemme do it and so he distracted me...it was a lotta fun, the distraction but still...I really wish I hadda beat her up. But I know that I needa stop thinking like that! I'm pregnant and I REALLY DON'T needa be doing that and possibly hurt the baby but I just aint useta being pregnant right yet and I'm useta being able ta do whatever I want and shit and I just can't be like that no more...shit's gettin hard ta fuckin adjust to. I'm not saying that if that bitch came that close ta me again that I WOULDN'T beat her ass cuz I prolly would but I'm sure pretty much positive really that John would hold me back cuzza the baby....I may be short but I am one bitch that pplz don't even wanna be fuckin messin with I aint even playin!
ANYWHO!!! This whole being pregnant thang is ugh! I have felt like SHIT for the past like 3-4 days now! Like my tummy hurts and hurts and hurts and everytime I get upset I puke and plus I'm sick so it's just hell right now. I'm so glad that I got John by my side fer always ta help me through alla this cuz I know I couldn't do it on my own! He's so sweet I can try hard as HELL ta hide my feelings from him when I'm upset and he still knows! He knows like everythang about me he notices EVERYTHANG!! LOL! Sometimes it erks me a lil cuz I don't realize that he pays that much attention ta me but for the most part I just think it's sweet! I've never had another guy act like John does. He is THE absolute nicest sweetest most cute guy I've ever been with. He thinks that I'm the good looking one outta the relationship but I know that I aint cuz that man is fine as hail I aint even playin!
Okay...lol....gettin a lil hot in here... hehe! Just playing! But Idk what else ta really write fer now so I guess I'mma get goin!
Crys-Lyn Shahan