*Sort by Song-
First Song: '03 Bonnie & Clyde - JayZ and Beyoncé
Last Song: Yuzurenai Negai - Naomi Tamura
*Sort by Time-
Shortest Song: What I've Been Looking For - OST High School Musical (Eek. It's 1:24)
Longest Song: Homecoming - Green Day (It's 9:18)
*Sort by Artist-
First Artist: 4 PM
Last Artist: Zsa Zsa Padilla
*Sort by Album-
First Album: 4th Ikimasshoi! - Morning Musume
Last Album: Young and the Hopeless - Good Charlotte
*Search the Keyword, and see how many songs appear:
"Sex": 1
"Death": 1
"Love": 43
"You": 93
"Me": 243
"Drug": 0
"Hate": 1
*Do The Shuffle!
Shuffle your library and list the first five songs. No padding your playlist you hipster, you. Be honest!!, or I'll kill you.
1. Are We the Waiting - Green Day
2. A Whole New World - Brad Kane & Lea Salonga
3. You Remind Me - Mandy Moore
4. Say Yeah! Motto Miracle Night - Morning Musume
5. Fallin' - Alicia Keys
*Total music: 558 Songs, 37 hrs:17 mins: 56 secs, 2.16 GB
Yesterday after my update I stumbled upon some free food in front of the Lecture Hall. Actually, they weren't really free for all. The food was for people who were attending the conference inside. The lady behind the counter said that for me to get food, the least I could do was examine the displays inside. And so I did, which I enjoyed by the way. I found out that the conference was a Task Force, seeking to find a permanent home for Guam's Cultural Heritage. There isn't really a Guam Museum of History here, and so they were asking the attendees of the conference to choose one out of the three architectural design that three companies laid out for people to see. I didn't have to go inside the actual lecture hall, the displays were in the lobby. The designs were all good, but I especially liked the one designed by Architects Laguaña and Cristobal LLC, IAW Barry Howard Ltd. Hopefully that design would win the bid, and construction of a Guam Musuem happen sometime in the nearest future. Oh, the free food was awesome.
I didn't get to watch the Amazing Race yesterday. I dozed off around 9:30 P.M. It is at 10:00 P.M. this season. Curses to the new Tuesday show.
There was a huge fire in the area near Route 10 of Mangilao this afternoon. Hope no big damage was caused.
Well, today's not yet the time to go into detail about what I updated yesterday. Soon, my pretties. ;)
I should be off now to study for my Calculus test tomorrow. My focus would be on implicit differentiation, and graph analysis. But I predict that I'll still do fine. ^_^
Have a nice day, everyone. Peace out!