up and going, with a new piece of erotica at least once per week.'m blogging here 1-3 times daily. April's posts:
* personal foundations
* photos: a celebration of earth
* dandelions
* kai, the author and illustrator
* kai's architecture and joy
* blood, candy, and sex appeal: art
* article: pricey parties
* butterflies
* law of attraction; the secret
* ari's dolls
* kai's observation
* photos: fast cars and sunshine
* a trail of paint and marks
* big mouths on the radio
* are we hip or hop?
* bunnies and friendship progress
* when Progressive is not progressive
* recent touches from friends
* and the kids have taste
* art: biting the apple
* dvds: tibet, sound, silk
* dancing
* kai and the earth
* mail and kiddie fun
* ari: pregnancy, birth, journey
* wobbly square dance; guidance and friendships
* rain, impromptu art, secret tents
* nature gifts
* Kai's beads
* angels and guides; sight
* self-acceptance; the ability to love and let go
* dailyness
* tibet
* releasing stuff
* photos: gardens and us
* Kai's house creation
* Ari's hair
* goofiness and authenticity
* my day - universal gifts
* body art
* homeschool
* daily kid adventures
* book of friendship and bye
* article; sexuality
* dream; numerology
* kai's sky art
* how shocking
* geography lesson
* letter writing
* creative writing
* reaching out, reaching in
* messy childhood
* kai + ari art - parking garage