Jan 01, 2013 11:55
Watching Kpop in Color with relatives on New Years Eve:
- Miss A- heard from my cousin & aunt taking, they're popular because of their singing & dances >> not their looks
- seems a lot of groups can't sing well ... & so much commenting on looks, weight gain/ loss as well as who's who made me realize HOW different my family is. We really don't care much for pop culture & go about our lives as we please. I don't think they really get that I WON'T change, that takes time & willingness to do so. Plus, I am not fond of the commenting on how my mom raised me wrong ... yeah, she's been Americanized but >> I'd like my aunts & cousin to try being in my patents shoes; raising a kid in a country where the native language is not their own (still have to ask me for help) with little-no help from others.
My relatives were saying I have to grow up from my parents ... I can live on my own, I've done so a number of times. I don't see anything wrong with calling my parents & chatting for a few minutes in letting them know all is ok. I'd like my relatives to see how dangerous Chicago is + the language barrier. My parents mean a lot to me & having them support me has done so much. My friends, teachers, etc. I would not be standing where I am today if it were not for them. They give meaning to my life and a good number of the things I do. This past year being in Korea has taught me much, but foremost ... there are many (that care) who won't ask me to deviate from who I am & can see that I am from a multi-cultural background.
Amy, Gloria you'd be proud XD got kissed in the otome game. LOL we shall see if I windup with this chara or not ... Result: I did. How many tries did this take with the 2 otome games? Rofl, 5x's I think.
So happy going back home; can't wait really. Flight is interesting thus far XD I've been listening to OLD Jpn music & other stuff. Watched: Hotel Transylvania, Frankenweenie, & The Lorax. It would have been nice if they had The Hobbit ^^; but I'm definitely going to watch that with my dad once back. I met up with the others at the airport (seems everyone got there before me). Meggan is seated just 1 seat away which is nice in that we can yatter at each other. (She told me she & Mae had a great time in Japan. I'm very happy for the 2, as this was there vacation.)
Oh! I didn't get an overweight luggage fee as my 2 checked in suitcases weighed a total of 44.1 kg. I had to throw out & leave behind a lot of stuff though. I'm a bit sad I had to leave behind the big umbrella I got with 1 of my aunts. Ah! The doggy figurines my Abuelitos sent me found a good home :) with the students & another aunt. I did wind up switching to a larger suitcase because of the extra stuff I got from my relatives. It was a good thing my relatives have many of our suitcases XD & likewise.
Anyways, I'm glad I left on a good note & was more resilient against the comments that shook me during my 5 mon stay. I did note my aunt was being careful with taking pictures if her own daughter as well ... I think that's rather unfair, for many parents like to share pics of their kids.
Funny thing about Korean airlines ... the group of little ones seated nearby me requested ramen so the kids are slurping their noodles away. The 1 girl startled the heck outta everyone with her screaming. Found out she got scared from watching a movie.