[DRABBLE] Simple Tactics -- for 31_days

Nov 18, 2009 18:49

Title: Simple Tactics
Published: 11-18-09
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: The war is over, the party is finished, and two comrades stay up a moment longer to reminisce.[Drabble] [31_days] [FFVIII]

"Finally deciding to relax?" Zell asked, tongue peaking out over the edge of one lip as he looks the grid over. "What happened to all your strict rules, huh?"

The party had long since died down, with the music gone, and the clean up crew having already passed along with the quiet business of picking up after a party to end all parties. It wasn't every day that people celebrated the world not coming to a complete end. Looking back on it, Zell still wasn't sure what to think about it, cards in hand.

The war was over... Finally, finally over...

Quistis raises her thin brows and smiled almost knowingly. A muted sort of smile, and she was pondering and wondering herself. Where had they gone?

"It's the end of a long and drawn out fight," she said, finally, the queen on her thrown, proud of all of their accomplishments, placing a card down over the Triple Triad board. "Don't expect it all the time."

Zell would have laughed, if he hadn't just been beaten, for the third time, at this stupid game, groaning and letting his forehead fall into his palm. He just had no luck at this.

quistis, drabble, ffviii, 31_days, zell

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