
Nov 07, 2009 12:08

I love having Video Game Dreams.
  • I have yet to have a bad Video Game Dream. I tend to have bad dreams so whenever I DON'T have one it's really nice. (I dunno what that says about me, me having bad dreams fairly often. D: But they generally do have a negative twist...)
  • For some strange reason they've only ever been in a birds-eye-view perspective, like the handheld games for Pokemon or Legend of Zelda. WHICH IS COOL because, for example, if your character comes from the bottom you can see action going on at the top right away. In a dream, it just seems cool. I dunno. *dies*
  • Dreams are normally pretty insane, but Video Game Dreams tend to be even more insane, but in the good way. But then when I wake up I barely remember what happened because it was so insane I'm pretty much at a loss of words to even describe it.
  • Having a Video Game Dream is like having an adventure. :D! I've pretty much only played adventure-based games (DOES POKEMON COUNT? *dies*) and I'm generally attracted to stories with adventure, so clearly this is awesome. Though in the game I'm pretty aware that I'm playing a game and I'm controlling a character (although I never see the device I'm using to play the game or anything of the outside world, I can only see the game screen/world), yet sometimes I can hear the character's thoughts and sometimes speak, so then it's like "Am I the character in the actual game, or am I playing the game and just interpreting dialogue boxes as actual speech?"
  • Um. Video games are cool, therefore most things involving video games are awesome.
And now I feel like the biggest nerd ever. Especially since I've only played older games so, um... the "graphics" in my dreams are rather primitive. :B ISN'T THAT SAD? MY BRAIN NEEDS AN UPGRADE. I STILL HAVE ONLY NES/SNES/GB/GBA GRAPHICS IN MY HEAD. An upgrade to a N64/PS1 would blow my mind, yo. *shot*

If you actually care about the details of the dream I had last night, it involved some world where most everything was symmetrical and I/the character felt pretty confused wandering around the whole time. I kept wandering around the same spot like I was lost. *dies* AND THERE WAS SOME GIRL BUT SHE WASN'T VERY HELPFUL, NOW WAS SHE? I think it was kinda like a Zelda game, which makes sense because I'm pretty sure the last game dreams I had were kinda like a Pokemon game. A REALLY CONFUSING POKEMON GAME, PFFFFFFFFT And no my dreams are not always either Zelda or Pokemon based okay I swear. Just... 90% of them are. >__>;

And now I'm hungry. >:

BTW, did you hear about Disney giving Mickey Mouse an upgrade? At first the news was a surprise (especially since I just assumed change = making him über gritty) but after the initial surprise I'm actually tentatively awaiting what they'll do! I'm really sad I won't be able to play the game Epic Mickey because it seems really interesting--plus our first glance at the new Mickey Mouse, though it's a "rough draft" of sorts version of him--but... oh well. :|

AND YES I KIND OF ACTUALLY LIKE MICKEY MOUSE OKAY. No where near my favourite, but I actually do like him. But I mostly just like some of the cartoons with him, and even his overly chipper / goody-two-shoes personality drives me insane sometimes. Which is why you have Donald Duck!
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