I need more Disney icons, I own so few on my computer.

Aug 19, 2009 03:11

I know I should be in bed by now but arrrrrgh I'm in such a foul mood.

I watched Mulan earlier to try and cheer up but seriously, nothing works. I've kind of tried everything. Oh well...always tomorrow. But I looooove Mulan. I mean, it sort of did cheer me up, even though I'm still in a crummy mood.

But one of the things I noticed besides how hot Shang is, yum~ was how colourful the movie is. I mean uh duh, Disney does pretty steller animation, and I've noticed this before, but DAMN IT, CHINA IS BEAUTIFUL. Avatar was really bright and colourful too. So WHY IS THE LIVE ACTION AVATAR MOVIE SO DULL AND asdfdasgasdfasd I hate that movie omg. D: They're making brown characters be acted by white people, the villain is BROWN (don't give me that ZUKO ISN'T A BAD GUY bullshit, he's a bad guy in the first movie and all the Fire Nation is brown), everyone's clothing is dull with its colour stolen away, they're "grounding" Sokka's character (because a real man can't joke around I guess? EVERYTHING MUST BE GRITTY AND DARK) and THEY'RE TAKING OUT THE CHINESE AND REPLACING IT WITH GIBBERISH.


I love the TV series and Mulan though. ♥ I need to go find some other Asian movies to watch because now I'm in the mood for more. ): Disney movies are not that long.

BTW, I watched Princess of Thieves yesterday just because it was a Robin Hood movie. I MUST WATCH ANYTHING ROBIN HOOD, EVEN IF IT'S CRAPPY. And this movie was pretty crappy because it was about Robin Hood's daughter, played by ... Keira Knightly.

I'm sorry, but both Keira and Orlando Bloom's acting skills consist of standing there looking pretty. Orlando must wear an OH SO SERIOUS face, while Keira must look bitchy twenty-four seven. I don't mean offense when I say she looks bitchy but... man, that's just how she looks. It's not pissy, it's not angry, it's bitchy.

I think she's pretty when she doesn't have that bitchy face, even if her lips are weird. ):

But yeah uh lol she can't act. Plus she was like WOOOE WHY DOES ROBIN HOOD LEAVE ALL THE TIME TO DO ROBIN HOOD THINGS AND LEAVE ME ALONE which has just been done to death yada yada...It could have been good if they did it well, but they kiiinda didn't. >__>;; AT LEAST ROBIN HOOD WAS GOOD IN IT

He had like the best lines and the best acting. *dies* I felt sorry for him because he had to act alongside Keira, who played the cranky rebelious teenager. OH BOY, A CHARACTER WE HAVE NOT SEEN BEFORE. I BET SHE WON'T RUN AWAY AND PRETEND TO BE A BOY TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE HER FATHER--OH LOOK, SHE CUT OFF HER HAIR AND PRETENDED TO BE A BOY TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE HER FATHER.

Mulan did it better. *coughs*

NO REALLY I really love that scene in Mulan where she cuts off her hair and takes the armour and leaves because the music that plays is so awesome and fits the mood so well. 0:

Also, this is the only Disney movie whose soundtrack I LEGALLY own. :D! Oh, whatever, like Disney needs my money. It was a birthday present from a friend anyway. But okay, a lot of the music I download I REALLY SERIOUSLY INTEND TO BUY. Just not now because I can't. ): My parents don't buy CDs anymore for me and I don't have money. BUT WHEN I CAN GET CDs I TRY TO BUY THE ARTISTS I LIKE. ;_; But yeah uh screw Disney. *shot* I BUY THEIR MOVIES ANYWAY. Because I cannot resist the behind-the-scenes footage. Aaaah the bonus features for Sleeping Beauty and 101 Dalmations were so awesome. I CAN'T WAIT FOR BEATUY AND THE BEAST TO COME OUT. Gaaah not until October 2010. Assholes. ;_;

Beauty and the Beast is kind of weird becuase it's the only fairy tale / classic story Disney has raped made a movie about that I never would have heard about if it wasn't for Disney. I ALSO THINK IT'S THEIR BEST MOVIE. NO I DON'T HAVE A BIAS. Says the girl who had BatB bedding, and the tea set complete with Lumiere and talking mirror. >__>;; I wish I still had it dammit. I MIGHT HAVE SAVED THEM BUT ... PROBABLY NOT, WOE. I mean the tea set, not the bedding. *dies*

Also I want a Mulan Barbie doll super bad. I don't even like Barbie or dolls in general but Mulan's outfits are so pretty ;_; Also, the Batgirl Barbie doll is pretty. B-but now I feel silly.

I really wanted more Mulan when it ended. D: I thought about watching the sequel (I...I saw it once and forgot it shortly after) but...Disney sequels are generally crappy. The exceptions are The Rescuer's Down Under and...Lion King 2 was ooookay. (It has issues but I can still enjoy it?) I have not actually seen any other sequels besides those three...and I see at this rate I could ramble on and on about Disney movies for paragraphs and paragraphs so I'll just keep quiet now and get off. :|

I'm sorry this entry is pretty rambly and all over the place and crappy, I'm tired and in a bad mood. >:
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