Versatile and vivacious, London has a vibrant beat to it.
It’s got amazing character and tremendous pace. A mix of this and that and then some more, in London, there’s always lots to see and tons to do.
There’s so much going on, even as you find a quiet corner and enjoy a hot cup of sinful chocolate. I can see why it’s so popular and beloved with so many of us.
Would I like to go there again? Hell, yeah!
Six memories and observations from my trip:
I saw this regal doll (I am not sure if she’s a reproduction of Catherine of Aragon or Anne Boleyn) at the window display of Westminster Abbey’s souvenir shop. It cost a little more than 100 pounds. But obviously since I was on the last leg of my UK trip, I was completely broke. And though I couldn’t afford to buy it, I am glad I took a picture. She’s such a beauty:
I had seen Big Ben, rather the Houses of Parliament, only in pictures. So you can imagine my excitement on witnessing the real thing. Believe me you, it’s magnificent and calls on for a spontaneous ‘whoa!’ Also, I realised so many people wrongly address this marvelous piece of architecture as Westminster Abbey, which is adjacent to it.
Roses always make me smile, whether they are gracing my apartment or a florist’s stall or growingly wildly in its original habitat. I was really exhausted after walking all around central London and sat down to rest my feet on an empty bench, when these bunch of red ones called out to me, almost to say ‘Click me.’ Alright, nothing of that sort happened, but they’re just so pretty and blithe.
Madame Tussauds is a highly recommended experience by one and all. Two minutes inside the museum and you know why. It’s just mind-blowing, especially the Chamber of Horrors. And the kind of crowd it gets, it’s just like being at a concert of human chains. Super stuff. Although I am not a big Kylie Minogue fan, I loved what they’ve done for her waxed alter ego. Very retro. Me likes.
Okay, this was bang opposite Westminster Abbey. I basically took this picture to figure the car model of the one in between. I still haven’t found out. It’s so funky.
At Tower of London, I sneaked inside Bloody Tower while my family was busy exploring something else. Spooky yet classic, I liked what I saw: