From Pbs

Dec 20, 2005 06:14

I may have said fuck politics, but after this i couldn't help but feel something. I swear If he isn't impeached or held responsible for the NSA fiasco, I'm never voting again. I swear our country is run by a bunch of high school principals, they fuck up and then bullshit and say they didn't know. If you were inspiried but either Clinton or Bush, your a fool. I was inspired more by my high school guidance counselor.

[JIM LEHRER: I mean, the violence goes on but that we have victory anyhow?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I think that this is a different kind of a war. I mean, in World War II we think of the USS Missouri and Japan-- We surrender. However, if you think about World War II, there was still a mission to be accomplished, that Harry Truman saw through, which is to help an enemy become a democracy. We achieved a, by kicking Saddam Hussein out, you know, a milestone. But there's still work to help this country develop its own democracy and there's no question there's difficulties because of the past history and the fact that he starved an infrastructure and the reconstruction efforts have been uneven.

But victory is, against a guy like Zarqawi, is bringing him to justice. Victory is denying safe haven to al-Qaida, and victory is marginalizing those who would destroy democracy.

I'll give you an interesting example. I think it is. That would be the FARC in Colombia. You'll remember there was a period of time when there was a real battle about the heart and soul of Colombia. Slowly but surely FARC has become--

JIM LEHRER: That's the left-wing rebel group.



PRESIDENT BUSH: That used profits from drug sales and arms to enforce its, enforce its way. That at one point in time, if I'm not mistaken, looked like the, the, the--democracy was in the balance. And slowly but surely they're becoming marginalized and becoming--now they're still dangerous, don't get me wrong, but they're not nearly as dangerous as they were a-- you know--a decade ago, for example.

JIM LEHRER: Well, what would you say, then, Mr. President, if somebody would say, well, wait a minute, are you suggesting that the United States is going to have to stay in Iraq for years and years and years while this kind of mild form of insurgency, violence, continues?

PRESIDENT BUSH: No, not at all. As I said, that one of our objectives is to train the Iraqi security forces and police, so they can take the fight. As the political process marginalizes people, now one of our prime-- and I've also said, by the way, as the Iraqi forces become more capable, and they are becoming more capable, that we'll be able to focus more on training and more on hunting down high-value targets like Zarqawi, and that's a very important part of the strategy, Jim.

We cannot allow Iraq to become a safe haven for al-Qaida.]

In case you didn't know Farc is a communist rebel group, like che and fidel, trying to overthrow the colombian Govt. with fund from cocaine and arms sales who use terrorism to try and convince or scare people into joining their movement. sound familiar anyone? maybe like a guy with a 25 million dollar reward on his fucking head? Ohh and by the way FARC currently since 2000 has three us helicopter pilots hostage that were shot down during a "training" exercise, no action, no rescue attempts. I love a man that speaks in hypocrisies
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