Dec 09, 2005 21:17
This morning I had some time between when I had to leave to go to work, so i decided to turn on the TV. I turned on the news, why? I don't know, and I hate the media with an extreme passion. It was a morning show which is the worst, I hate how they act all cheery and chipper when they all know that we have to wake up at 5:30 to go to work and are fucking pissed about it. the last thing I want when I wake up for work is some sunshiny asshole telling me how great of a day it is. I saw something that by far has to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen on Tv, "the war on Christmas." Do they really not have anything else better to report? I'm beginning to think there's a guy in a room somewhere and that room is full of words and this guy throws some darts and then BAM! we got "war on Christmas." Now people are suing people and liberals and conservatives alike are all getting huffy over a fucking tree! Am I the only one this doesn't make sense too? This news show was implying that december 25th was jesus' actual birthday, when its not. The catholics created it to compete with the pagan winter solstice holiday, where the x-mas tree came from. still though lawsuits and accusations are a flying because "the x-mas tree is a symbol of christianity." thats like saying kirk douglas just be a jesus freak because he was crucified in Spartacus. I swear armageddon is soon people, I really cant wait either. I've pretty much lost hope in humanity and being wiped off the face of the earth is going to awesome. I should of voted for bush, not because I like/agree with anything he does, because I know him being president is bring us that much closer to armageddon. I know that somewhere in everybody, in the backs of your minds, you all want to be in armageddon, whatever it may be. I'm hoping for nuclear winter or maybe giant insects that crave flesh. As my english teacher use to say "The masses are asses."
all it comes down to is this...
liberals and conservatives are both fucking idiots.
the media is full of bullshit and lies that really have nothing to do with real life, which ironically is what their suppose to report
people are fucking morons and care more about tits at the super bowl and "christ's b-day" than things that matter like war, corruption, or corporate crime.
the new johnny cash movie is great
and patrick swayze is the antichrist.
-not saying goodbye, just saying.....