mie pistan tahan nyt vahan kuvia mita oon ottanu taalla Japanissa! ekana tassa on tallainen pelihalli mihin mentiin koko konkkaronkalla. siella oli kaikenlaisia peleja!! sellasia kolikkopeleja ja sitten sellaisia automaatteja mista voi voittaa pehmoleluja jos onnistuu nappaamaan ne. siella oli tosi meluisaa~!
sitten on pari kuvaa otettu auton kyydista, kun ajettiin Rainbow Bridgella. se on sellanen aika kuuluisa silta ja me ajettiin silla kun mentiin Odaibaan jossa tuo pelihallikin oli. siita nakyy tosi ihana kaupunkimaisema!
sitten tietty Tokyo Tower. me ei kayty tuolla ylemmissa kerroksissa, kierreltiin ihan pohjakerroksessa kun siella on valtavasti noita putiikkeja! kaikenlaista Japanihenkista kraasaa, justiinsa turisteille suunnattu. me kaytiin siella jatskilla ja Piia (perheen aiti) osti miulle avaimenperan (jossa on Aiban kuva..hihih.)
japanilaisethan hemmottelee elaimia ja varsinkin koiria tosi paljon. yhella ostarilla OdAIBAssa (minka lahella on konserttihalli Tokyo Zepp!!) oli pari semmoista vaatekauppaa, missa oli vaatteita vaan koirille. erityisesti pienet koirat on suosittuja taalla pain. on oikeasti kaikenlaisia vaatteita, farkkuja, toppeja, pelkastaan koirille! sitten siina oli yks koira laitettavana ja piti ottaa siita kuva. ihana~! mietin etta koirat ei varmaan nauti siita kamalasti jos niita puetaan mutta jos ne pienesta asti siihen oppii niin ehka se ei oo niin kamalaa.
sitten on kuva taalta Megurosta, Meguro-dorilta. semmonen paikallinen juhla missa kannettiin tuollaisia painavia patsasjuttuja. sitten siina oli aina joku rummuttamassa sellasta rumpua (ei ehka lyomassa tahtia). ihan kiva varmasti kannella tuollaisia taalla 30 asteen lammossa! lapsillekkin oli omat kannettavat patsasjutut.
sitten viela maisema Rainbow Bridgesta ja Vapauden patsaasta! siina oli lahella havaijilainen ravintola missa me kaytiin syomassa. (viela OdAIBAssa.!)
viimeiseksi muttei TODELLAKAAN viimeisemmaksi, otin kuvan ruokakaupassa tammosesta julisteesta jossa mainostettiin sellasta hyvantekevaisyysohjelmaa 24 jikan terebia. tuossa julisteessa on miun toinen lempparibandi Arashi nii sen takia piti ottaa hihi. miun suosikki Aiba on tuossa ihan vasemmalla!
tammosta talla kertaa. oon nahny kylla paljon siisteja juttuja mista ei oo tullu otettua kuvia, kuten myytavista ilmakitaroista ja Muumi-ruokapuikoista. lelukaupat on sellasia paikkoja etta niissa kuluu aikaa kun on niin paljon ihania tavaroita katseltavana! vaikka en mitaan niista ostakaan niin on kylla ihana vaan kattella. toivottavasti tykkaatte kuvista ^^ ..
in English !
so now i finally post some pics of Japan. the first pic is taken from a game hall (in Odaiba) that was full of different kinds of games! ideal place for a date with Nino there were lots of those games where you can win a stuffed toy.
the second pictures are just views from Rainbow Bridge (the one that is still waiting for Sho..) it is really impressive to drive there and watch the big city.
can you regocnize the thingy in third pic? yup that's Tokyo Tower. this time we didn't go up but we were just watching shops at the first floor. there were a lot of stuff for tourists.
the fourth picture is taken at a mall that had small clothe shops for dogs. haha so funny! lots of stylish clothes for small dogs. the dog in that picture was being spoilt so i wanted to take a picture of it :D
the fifth picture is taken here in Meguro, at Meguro-dori. it was some kind of festival, the guys (and some women too) were carrying the statue things and there were smaller versions for children too. it was quite impressive to watch them carrying those heavy things in this more-than-thirty-degrees heat.
the next one is taken in OdAIBA again :D you can see Rainbow Bridge and the Statue of Liberty.
the last one is a poster i saw in a grocery store. it was the 24 jikan terebi weekend and the poster just grabbed my attention :DD there were actually those 24 jikan terebi t-shirts available too, and my host mom told me i should buy one because those guys have them too. the entire family knows that i love Arashi! the baby likes to dance when we are listening to Arashi and the older children think Aiba is my boyfriend.. they have seen my Aiba uchiwas and other Aiba things and they just say 'you love that guy don't you?' and last weekend they asked 'did you go to a concert of that boy you love?' yesterday, when we we're eating, the girl said to her mom:'mommy! Minna has a boyfriend. it's the guy whose music she always listens to.' haha it's just hilarious, i mean the way the children think. once the 5-year-old boy asked me if i had been to my boyfriend's home. i answered him honestly that only at the door of his home :D
i have to add some pics here!
au no niwa de..
sorry i didn't take more pics because i didn't want to enter the shop. i support Nokia for a certain reason.