Starting off the 2007-2008 Calendar: [Week 1] & [Week 2]

Apr 09, 2007 22:49

Hey everyone♪

I got my Kanjani∞ calendar last week!! Pretty cool calendar (The first week was Ryo-chan♥)!! This year's has catch copies for me to translate. A Kanjani∞ member creates a title for the picture of another Kanjani∞ member. (.^___^.)

Note: As you can see, I didn't erase off the Japanese text. Perfectly taking off the Japanese text takes a while. So for right now, I'm just going to add on the translations instead. When I find more time, I'll make it nicer. Sorry!

By the way, would anyone like to make a new banner for this site? The banner that we are currently using was a gift from Yao-chan's friend. (.^___^.) I really liked it♥ Since we're starting a new calendar, I thought it'd be cool if we have a new banner made out of the new calendar stand.

錦戸亮 (Nishikido Ryo), 大倉忠義 (Ohkura Tadayoshi)

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