So I decided to do a Family Differences Challenge/Legacy. I'm doing it kinda loosely, I'm literally following it down from Generation 1, Option 1, Option 2 - Generation 2, Option 1, 2, 3 and so forth and so on. I don't use any cheats, except for getting a loan, which isn't really cheating, as they have to pay it back. Of course, this is the first one, so nothing exciting happens, it's all about finding a mate, and pumping out the children. Anyway, onward!
Meet Thelma Talley. Plain Jane, home-grown aspiring farmer! Her qualities are: Family-Oriented, Good, Green Thumb, Frugal, Loves the Outdoors.
She lives in a shitty modest little house out in the swamp area of a world called Legacy Island II, which is AWESOME, by the way.
First order of business: registering as a self-employed gardener.
Then, as you do in a legacy, it's off to meet a mate. This fellow looks quite attractive and promising!
Attractive Guy: I hear whistling? Do you hear whistling? What is that noise?
Attractive Guy: Yeah, I hear noises all the time. I'm pretty sure my house is bugged. It's the aliens! They're always listening...
Yes, quite. Time to move along.
Well, hello, spiffy new ATI Radeon 7950 Video Card! How are you today?? :D I will never, ever, get tired of the scenery in this game. So pretty!
Thelma decides to partake in a hot dog eating contest!
She got smoked. Badly.
And then she barfed in the bushes. Way to make a first impression in your new home, Thlema! *thumbs up*
Apparently, all the weirdos like to congregate in the town square. I think we might be better off looking for potential mates elsewhere.
This is a theme. Thelma clogs nearly every toilet, ever. I don't know WTF she is eating, but it must be bad.
Thelma takes a trip to the dive bar around the corner from her house and runs into this fine specimen.
Thelma: Uh...hi! I couldn't help but notice your amazing dancing. *bats eyelashes*
Dreamy Guy:: Wow, that's really sweet of you to say! I'm so flattered by your attention!
And then he dropped into the floor (this bar is over water) and swam away. I'm not making this up. So, much for him?
Thelma: I am obviously hallucinating due to hunger. Because I totally did not see that guy melt into the floor and swim away...right?
Thelma: I have GOT to change my diet.
Man hunting continues! This time she heads down to the beach. This guy was married.
Dog: I always loved art. I think I would like to take up painting, if only I had thumbs...
Now it's off to the swanky beach nightclub, where she meets this fine fellow! His name is Nelson.
Girl: Dammit, bitch, why you gotta come all up in here and steal all the fine men??
They have compatible signs? I don't remember what they were, but I'm pretty sure they were compatible.
Thelma: Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy...
These two hit it off fabulously!
And because I'm in a rush to start procreating (I have to have a boy and girl, no woohoo before marriage, and I have to keep trying until I get one of each - without cheats), Thelma asks Nelson to go steady.
He agrees.
Thelma: Jesus Christ, I have GOT to have this issue checked out before Nelson comes over!!
The next day the two go on a date to the summer festival.
And Thelma proposes.
Thelma: Thanks so much for agreeing to marry me! But just so you know, I'm a poor gardener, and I totally live in Swampville in a home that could more properly be called a "shack."
Nelson: Oh...that's okay. I have a few secrets of my own...
YEAH, I'D SAY. Like the fact that he apparently already had a wife that lived in Paris and a teenage fairy daughter!!
Who danced to Egyptian music by the light of the full moon. Yeah, I sent that bitch off to boarding school right away.
And just LOOK who shows up the DAY AFTER Nelson moves in! Hottie. :( I had to send him away, oh, so sadly.
Thelma: Let's get married right now. I want to have wild sex to start a family so much, I just can't wait any more!
Nelson: ...I just moved in YESTERDAY.
Thelma: Yes, I know, but the swampy area behind my house is kind of romantic, in the right light, and neither of us have any friends, so what do you say?
Nelson: ...
Thelma: I'll go wait outside.
Eh, there are worse places to get married, I guess.
Thelma: Nelson, you showed up! You DO love me!
And they got married. Nelson is a pretty alright guy, I like him. Oh, he's a Fortune Teller and his characteristics are: Handy, Clumsy, Inappropriate, Mooch, and Nurturing.
And then they satisfied their carnal desires and started the business of procreating.
They both seem quite satisfied.
Nelson had about 1487329348 snow cones that day. In every flavor.
While Thelma went roller skating. With a...burned...teenager. In his underwear.
Nelson: I don't even WANT to know what's going on here. I'm going to get a spray tan!
And he does.
Lovely! It actually looks really good on him.
Really, Thelma? THIS is who you're competing against? I guess she was determined to win this time.
Meanwhile, Nelson does some private fortune telling readings on some festival-goers.
Firework spam!!
Thelma: Nelson, the snow cone stand had to close. How many of those did you eat, anyway??
Oh, Thelma. I guess you're just doomed to yark at every holiday festival, aren't you?
But only because she's pregnant, yay!
Nelson: I can't help but think there's something different about you lately...
Thelma: *What would be great is if you could start figuring out a way we can make more money, especially with a baby on the way...have you SEEN the doors in this dump?*
You know, Nelson, that doesn't seem like the safest or most sanitary place in the world to go swimming...
The thrift store, where Thelma sells all of her produce to a dude in an elf hat. And you wonder why they're poor.
Nelson gets a promotion, yay!
And just in time, because here comes baby number one!
It's a boy and his name is Gabriel. His qualities are Virtuoso and Light Sleeper.
Thelma: Holy crap, I'm exhausted, I just gave birth! But...I guess we better get to work on the next one, eh?
Nelson: Twist my arm, dear. Twist. My. Arm.
New changing table! I like this better than the spinning thing they do when they change diapers. Although all that powder can't be good for anyone's lungs.
She pukes so much. Every time she's pregnant, apparently. Or is in an eating contest. At least she's not clogging toilets anymore!
So I had Thelma go to the bank and get a loan... she could build this beautiful greenhouse! This took me longer than I care to admit, because I put that gardening station inside of it. It's pretty awesome but kinda cheaty.
Gabriel's birthday! I have infant age set to two days because THEY ARE SO BORING.
Thelma and Gabriel read "Counting for Those Who Cannot."
Nelson shows his appreciation for Baby #2. Let's hope it's a girl! Their house is so small. :(
The fam heads out to the Fall Festival to pick some pumpkins for carving! Can you tell I LOVE the festivals??
Nelson gets made up like a skull pirate...
...and makes a few extra bucks with some private readings.
Nelson: Good God, I HATE when she goes into labor! It's so stressful for me!
And THIS is who showed up to babysit Gabriel while they were at the hospital. I'm sure he's totally not a pedophile or anything. He seems legit.
So they had another boy, Alex. Traits: Loves the Cold, Virtuoso (I always hit random for the traits)
Nelson: Well, Thelma, I'm sorry to say, we had another boy. Let's get to trying for that girl, shall we?
Thelma: Sigh.
Thelma: Well, I'm pregnant again. Happy?
And of course, vomiting.
She seems happy enough once the morning sickness subsides.
Alex's birthday!
And I always forget a picture. But here's Gabriel's birthday, too!
They look almost identical. Here Gabriel is feeling Thelma's tummy.
I just liked this shot of Thelma and Gabriel eating while Nelson teaches Alex to talk. They are a really sweet family and very fun to play.
Nelson gets invited to a costume party. He shows up in a hot dog costume with Alex, and THIS is the party. THIS.
Nelson: WTF kind of a party is THIS? Dude. WE'RE IN A LAUNDRY ROOM! And there's nobody here! This party is lame and me and my kid are outta here.
Speaking of pathetic, this is Gabriel's trick or treating experience. He dressed up as a gnome, got soaking wet, and went to one trashy house where he got one piece of candy. :(
Thelma goes into labor again, and Nelson just gets sick of waiting for her to waddle along, I guess, because - as marked by the red circle - he kind of left her in the dust. Way to be supportive, Nelson! Oh, and they had a girl, yay! Her name is Teresa, and she is Friendly and Brave.
So I got an unroutable sim message, and I went to check it out and saw...this. THIS CAN'T BE SAFE OR APPROPRIATE. What the hell??
Nelson goes back to the Fall Festival to perform more readings, and I realize that everyone in this town has an obsession with berets.
Thelma burns a pile of leaves, which produces a lot of thick, black smoke. Um...that seems awfully close to the house to me.
So Gabriel's cancer-looking friend comes over and totally steals candy from Alex! You little shit! Thelma kicked him out. Look how pissed Alex looks, lol.
When Gabriel turned into a child, he picked up the coward trait, so he's forever checking under his bed for monsters and he ALWAYS sees them, so he never goes to bed until really late.
...okay, what in the holy hell have you been feeding these children? Has this thing EVER been cleaned?? THERE ARE FLIES AROUND ALEX.
Teresa's birthday! And AGAIN, I forgot her picture. I'll be better next time, I promise.
And Alex's birthday! I did get his picture. He picked up the Artistic Trait. My heir has to be an acrobat so we'll have to see who it's going to be.
Thelma: Saaaay deeeeeath, Teresa! DEATH. Everyone dies, right? DEATH. DEAD.
I don't even know.
Anyway, that's all for this time. Thanks for reading!