May 02, 2004 21:30
i didnt realize how much fun Monopoly was...Kathy got me back in the kid spirit and i actually learned the *right* rules for it today to lol...well last night wasn't much...went to work but got off early cuz of the lightin' storm...went to go get ERic to go to Walgreens...but he hit my ankle bone at his house and i started to hurt...then he kept mocking my crying so he was pizzing me off and then he gave me the silent treatment the whoel way to Walgreens and i hate that soOo much and this employee there thought we were brother and sister cuz we kept pickin' on eachother so much...he was maknig me mad! and he said i was makin him mad too..and the employee said we look alike...::WRONG BUZZER NOISE::...not happenin lol no way do we look we went back to my house and we stopped being at eachothers throats...and had some alone time....omg i had the best sex so blunt in this journal idc...not like anyone who i dont want knowing reads this newyz..but damn it was so good i was trembling for like 20 min. afterwards ::sigh::...then i bought him Wendys as a me some Sonic...went to his house, ate, and played some DDR...i like playing with him cuz he beats me...usually the ppl i play with dont.... i like competing w/ him its funn...then i was waiting until 2am-ish for Kathy to get off work and then i'd pick her up and shed spend the it was around 12-ish and me&eric were watching Sorority Boys..damn i suggest tha tmovie to everyone its so friggin hilaroius....and i on purpose turned off the t.v. and took off his glasses so we could sleep together..i love sleeping with him!!!...i feel so safe, loved, and protected!!! I LOVE ERIC RAMIREZ like cur-azy :) !!!!!!......then his dads gf woke us up and i went and got kathy and we drove around until 4am...came home went in hot tub..and went to bed..then this morning..we played Candy Land lol and Monopoly (yay!!!)...until about 1ish..we ordered Hot Wok....then i took her home and i wnet to work an di got off early again cuz of the storm...and erics family was having a BBQ but his dad said "we don't have enough food"...i mena wth its a theres always a lot of i was pissed..then eric explained that alot of ppl were over so they even ran out of blahshay blahshay...newho....went over to kathys and played Monopoly and now she is spendin the night again....peece ya'll