Apr 25, 2004 19:25
grr...im really impatient right now...i asked my mom if after work i could go over to Eric's house cuz its our anniversary..and she said she'd think about it which is always a yes....so i called and called fromwork and then i just came home b4 going over there and they're on a bike-ride w/ out any of their cell phones...so i have to wait for their damn azzes to get back b4 i can leave...and this minutes are ticking that i can spend time w/ my pookie...ugh grr....this is so fuckin' frustratin'....and work sucked as usual...eh ..and sky-divin' was awesome..not that i actually did it...but it loooked like fun seeing eric do it lol..then we went and ate at Beachcombers in St.Aug right on Oasis..it was a great view...then developed the film fromthe jump and then i went out to eat again w/ eric, devin and his dad to Fast Boys Bar on 103rd...some Nascar place....good cheese sticks lol...it was a fun night...then stayed @ erics playin DDR and that bet he made me finally came true lol....::wink wink nudge nudge:: lol ya corny i know.....god how long does it take to ride a damn bike in a neighborhood you've lived in for 9 years ppl!!!....gonna go tap my nails on a table waiting....toodlez