Aug 24, 2008 21:50
I'm watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics right now. So epic. The whole games were really epic this year. Sucks that its over, it gives me such a melancholy feeling because for two weeks the world comes together and now its over. Gah! I wish I could go back to a month ago. The past month has been truly epic woth And China really pulled all the stops with these games, like holy crap. Yeah, London? Have fun one upping China in four years, cause I have a feeling you're gonna be pawned.
So school starts the day after tomarrow which is bluntly a big fucking do not want. But what can I do? I guess the worst part for me is that I got stuck with six periods unlike the last two years where I only had four. I know I probably sound like a brat complaining about this cause most high schoolers have full days, but I get really exhausted by the end of only four periods, and who doesn't like to get away with more free time? Hopefully I can handle it without collapsing at the end of everyday, but if not I think I could drop a class or two since I actually am taking more classes than I have to. (thank you college class.) This is also the first year I'll be taking AP classes, I feel smart! I hope I don't live to regret it. My schedule will be:
1. Guided studies
2. AP Enviornmental Science (I am a nerd because I decided to take this instead of an easy elective, but the teacher is great too.)
3. AP Language
4. Film Studies (This is the class where I plan to geek out and annoy people with my fangirling over how TDK and LotR are the best movies EVAR! :P)
5. Economy first sememster/ Govt. second. I know more bitching, but why couldn't I have gotten government while all the election stuff is going on? Gawd.
6. Guided studies