Oct 14, 2007 03:01
Fuck LJ just fucked up my post. I pretty pissed as you can see. *Sigh* I was writing about the trip to UCLA that I took a couple of weeks ago. I guess I'll try this again. I would usually just say "screw it" but since this post was pretty important to me I'll try again.
So. LA. It was overall pretty enjoyable. Mostly because I'm pretty comfortable in hospitals and I got a week off from school. I mean I'm the person that before a surgery asks to be taken into the OR before getting anesthesia (sp?) Most people hate the OR and are given anasthesia in the pre surgery room. I also ask that the surgeons take pictures of the surgery XD.
The only thing I didn't like about the visit was one of the tests. I was there to be put on the tranplant list and this means you have to get a lot of tests done. Most of the time I don't mind having tests. I even kind of enjoy them sometimes :P Usually I'll just chill and do what the doctor/ specialist asks me to. I'll also usually ask questions cause I love physiology. However I had to get an enema. Now you may or may not know what this is, but I won't got into detail because that would = too much information is you know what I mean. If you ever do have to get one than run for the hills! I can laugh about it now, but at the time and for a couple hours later I felt like crap. Other than that the only other thing I really disliked was having to get my blood drawn a bazillion times. The first night I had to get 30 vials drawn. oO That early in the week, it was amusing and kind of funny, but by the last day I was kind of tired of it. No, they didn't get 30 vials every day, but it can still get annoying getting drawn once to four times a day. I also had a couple of temporary IVs put in my hand and arm so they could put certain fluids they needed to. I don't know why they didn't just use my central line. Unfortunatly one fell out so they had to go poking around once (or twice) again. I did get a pretty wicked bruise though XD Oh man, wicked? how corny ^^; One day the I had a hematologist who had to draw my blood three times in like 30 minuted because she kept forgetting vials she needed. I just hope she doesn't do that to a poor little kid. It's a lot worse for them, especially if you aren't used to hospitals or being poked with a needle. Poor little kids don't understand why adults are doing this to them sometimes. In a way, I'm lucky that I have been in the hospital a lot because at least in some ways I know what to expect. And having a couple of big surgeries recently is good too. At least I know that after my transplant my stomach will hurt a lot (thank god for painkillers) and I'll have a big garden hose coming out a nostril. The NG tube :P God I don't like that thing. I hate folies even more *shudder* But things could be worse. I could be like the one girl who was my roomate. She kept having seizures. At least my mind is in good, even great condition. Or I could be like the other girl who was my roomate. She was getting ready for a heart tranplant and had been healthy her whole life. Sadly, last summer she got an infection that hurt her heart. I think it would be a lot harder to have lived your wholw life healthy and then suddenly be thrown into this sometimes scary world. At least in some ways I'm used to it and I think I take things better because of that. I also don't take my life or life itself for granted like some.
Alright LJ, you best post it this time or else *glare*