#107: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!

Jan 01, 2007 15:26

Homg. It's been two months since I updated this thing. Not that anyone really cares ^^;; So a ton of things have been happening in these last two months. Although since I'm extremly lazy I'll probably only elaborate if I start to ramble on which I in fact do a lot in LJ ^^;

So I suppose the main reason I havn't been updating (Did I mention I'm lazy?) is because school, reading, making crafts for X-mas gifts and Final Fantasy 12 took over most of my life for the month of November and first half of December. Plus I'd usually take a nap when I wasn't doing one of those things so I only went on the computer for maybe a couple of hours a day and would maybe watch a fansub or two. So I didn't really feel like updating my LJ most of the time.

Anywho, wonderful amazing fantastical Christmas vacation came along. And even though I have to go back to school tomarrow *Angst and woe* It's been very fun and eventfull. Well, truthfully, other than one day that I spent over at my friends I probably havn't been out of my room for more that 5 hours in these past couple of weeks. That is because I have lost any trace of life I once had. And I kind of like it that way. ^^;;; Over the past week I've very nearly finished FF12 (I'm at the end, I'm just doing all the sidequests I can which is actually fun) I must of played for 10 hours one day. That game is freaking addicting, best one I've played since like, Tales of Symphonia. I've also been catching up on anime (Watched Saikano all in one go, felt my heart break like it always does and even got a bit depressed for the next day. Read lots (fanfiction and finished a couple of books.) Watched almost all of Avatar for the first time. (Yay new fandom! Boo no new episodes till March. And Probably some other things I've forgotten ^^ I'm not the only one that went on vacation you know, my mind kind of went too ^^;

And it was Christmas a week ago! It was awesome this year. One of the best I think. And I got lots of good loot. Woot!

So most of the stuff I got:

- A Wii! (Incredeble. My aunt who is a store manager for wal-mart actually waited in line to get me one, crazy. I'm very lucky.

-Zelda Twilight Princess and game guide. *Drool*

- Avatar Wii game: How odd as I was just getting really into this show when I got it.

- Lego Stars Wars II : Kick ass

- Fluffy sheets: Kind of hard to explain, but they are the warmest, most comfortable sheets ever, so soft. ^_^

- Craft kits

- $100 gift card to Barnes and Noble: Oh snap

- various other things like candy, a pretty ornament, and some more money.

Yeah I really made out this year. But part of it is because we got a family that adopted us this year. That means a group of people (usually part of a buisness) buys gifts for the family, This is mainly cause I have a medical condition but we also take in foster babies. In fact my parents got a $100 gift card to Albertsons and an $100 gift card to Kyoto palace so we can all go out to eat Japanese food. *Yum*

Oh, and the Wii kicks much ass.

So I suppose that's enough for now, but I'll probably update this soon since Twilight Princess isn't as time consuming as FF12.

Oh yeah, It's also the new year. Geez, time sure flies ^^;

Fandom Meme of 2006

First Fandom of 2006: BLEACH
Favorite Main Character of 2006: Hmmmmm... that's a hard one, I guess Ichigo, although I'm sure there is another charactar I'm not thinking of. Oooh, maybe L from Death Note. I also like Makoto of Kanon
Favorite Villain of 2006: ditto ^^;
Favorite Video Game Character of 2006: Link *drool* Fran
Favorite Game of 2006: FFXII
Favorite Yuri Couple of 2006: none
Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2006: none
Fandom That You Never Expected To Get Avatar
Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: Evangelion, it does whenever I start reading Eva fanfic
Fandom That Inspired The Most Crack: FF12?
Last Fandom of 2006: Zelda, Avatar

wii, fangirling, videogames

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