Ok, so I know I just won't shut up about John, hey you can skip this next paragraph if you're tired of him (it's funny though). Sorry in advance for any and all, redundancy, rambling, and anything else annoying. Don't say I didn't warn you, oh but it's so hard to resist isn't it:P
*********RANT RANT RANT ***********
So I was looking at people's DA's and decided to look at his (no i'm not a stalker! I just have this wierd interest with what is happening to people I know/n. Anyway, turns out about a month ago he went on this whole power trip thinking he was THE MAN cause he all stood up to me over the phone. Ok, fine fine, we all know how that went, I was already pretty much over it and stuff. So supposdley he went to this book signing and asked the author if it was a good idea to point out to his ex (me) that i was a ..... wait for it...... sandwhich making vagina.
I crack up every time i think about it. I mean wtf? Out of all the things you could call me. Oh well, I am a girl and I have been known to make some kickass sandwhiches before XD. I know I should just let this go and that this isn't really a recent development, but unfortunatly I'm not really not good at letting things go. And contraty to popular belief (because I like to say that, not that it was really a popular idea..) I actually enjoyed being his friend, unfortunatly i made the mistake of taking it a step too far. Sorry for breaking it off before it could get serious once I realized it would never work, not because of him, but because i love someone else. *shuts up* Sigh, my journal is filling with wank and it's all my fault because I won't shut up, sorry everyone. ^^; Here's something else. He wants me to return his stuff (God this is like those breakups from hell with the evil ex that you always hear about.) Ok so I don't mind, no I don't. I don't even really mind the fact that when we first broke up he said he didn't want to get his things back, I think he thought it would be sort of insult from what I can remember. I was fine with that, I mean I did like Metal Gear after he got the whole series XD I swear he bought me too much though, I was always feeling guilty about i and you should not feel guilty like that in a relationship. So now he does want his stuff back, Ok fine take it. Most of it I didn't even want that much, I can live without, but then I thought the games were gifts.So I asked him if those counted and he said yeah, after I asked him weren't they gifts he agreed but didn't really say anything more except he could kind of relate. ??? Well he hasn't mentioned it any more. But isn't it kind of bad to take back gifts? I can understand if you let me borrow something, And the way he asked me to give him things back is that he had someone else waiting for them. I guess I should ask for the things I got in Japan back? But I wouldn't do that. Oh yeah, it was strange because I was bipolar all night, I think this was a combination of the fact that i was pissed over john, and then laughing my butt off every few minutes cause of the crap he said, but i was also sad that things came to this and that i've made mistakes like going out with him. Also my sister came home and told me that a friend of hers died. I couldn't imagine that happening to me, I mean I've never been really close to anyone that died. *sad*
********* END OF RANTING************
Whew, now that that's over and done with we can talk about important things, right? I think so ^_^
So because I was mean and didn't reply to any comments last time (sorry!) Here is the link for a torrent that has all the reBoot episodes on it. ReBoot is amazing so you should really go get it, like now:P It's the one thing I've been obsessing over this whole month (Well that and reading I suppose but that was last post:P) Good times are ahead for you.
http://torrentspy.com/search.asp?mode=torrentdetails&id=303595&query=reboot I'm so sad that it's over, I've watched it all, all four seasons. And the third still remains my favirote. I think the fact that I have no more to watch is one of the things that was also causing me to be sad earlier. Not to mention it ended on a cliffhanger *grrr* The last couple of episodes were like some wierd fanfiction too, it was funny, but it was also like an uncompleted fanfiction, and I usually don't touch those with a ten foot sticks. But you know this is ReBoot:P. I had to see what happened. I don't want to put up spoilers though. At least theres fanfiction, and really good fanfiction, why? Because it's actually written by mature adults who can actually write. What a thought. That's one reason why most eva fanfiction is so good.
Wow, I'm tired of all this writing:P But I wish I wasn't so awake. It's 6 am and I want to go to sleep, but I'm not tired. Unfortunatly. I wish I could just sleep wake up, come online and tell dave I love him, cause I do <3 Ah, but at least he knows that already, i'm sure, and for that one reason I can be happy ^^