Music Meme★(●・∀・○)

Mar 24, 2008 14:15

Stole this from ninkekun to pass the time. It looks more interesting then anything else I've seen anyway~☆★

This is hard for Fatima.. I don't really dislike any of their stuff and it's difficult to just pick five favourite songs. I'm missing some 'LM/BV'. xD

Title: 5 bands, 5 questions

First list up your top 5 bands, and answer these question for each band:

1. Who is your fav. members from 1-5? (use support/ex-members if they are less than 5, and don't take this so seriously)
2. What is your 5 favourite releases by the band?
3. What is your 5 favourite songs by the band?
4. What is the 5 worst releases by the band?
5. What is the 5 worst songs by the band?

Top 5 band members:
1. Kanoma (Sanaka, Hitomi)
2. Towa
3. 4ge
4. Lay
5. Mizuha

Top 5 releases:
1. 消せない雨 / 無知な命へ
2. 静む体温
3. Exit
4. Noble King Snake
5. SSB

Top 5 songs:
1. 静む体温
2. 消せない雨
3. 無知な命へ
4. どうにもとまらない
5. 赤い薔薇のスープ

Worst 5 releases:
1. 哀愁の底辺
2. Blind
3. M:I-44
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Worst 5 songs:
1. 哀愁の底辺
2. ドリー・マーズ
3. Blind
4. 少女とクローゼット
5. Candy Stirppers

Top 5 band members:
2. Loki
2. 殊 (ex-Member)
4. 篤人
5. 真悟

Top 5 releases:
2. Rotten Words
3. 浴槽
4. grave of mind
5. Sugar+emmurée Darker meets Deeper

Top 5 songs:
1. 苦悩と憂鬱に溺れて
2. JAM
3. rotten words for dear.
4. 浴槽
5. sleepy

Worst 5 releases:
1. 男娼と黒猫
1. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Worst 5 songs:
1. 男娼と黒猫
2. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Top 5 band members:
1. 想
2. ハルカ
3. 朋

Top 5 releases:
1. love letter -Dark Mania-
2. Lover's -Darkside-
3. 絶望を奏でる古時計、灰色のピアノ。
4. 灰色
5. Love letter

Top 5 songs:
1. 壁に描いた花、色彩を欠いた窓。
2. 絵空事の色彩
3. グロセックス
4. the darkside of the moon
5. 春想う…、色彩よ。

Worst 5 releases:
1. (つд`)
2. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Worst 5 songs:
1. 手紙
2. バレリーナ
3. Story in Heaven
4. silence
5. (つд`)

ミドリ / Midori:
Top 5 band members:
1. 後藤まりこ
2. 岩見のとっつあん
3. ハジメ
4. 小銭喜剛

Top 5 releases:
1. セカンド♥
2. ファースト
3. (つд`) haven't got the third album.
4. (つд`) fourth isn't released yet.

Top 5 songs:
1. 愛のうた
2. 獄衣deサンバ
3. 声を聞きたいのですが、聞こえないのです
4. ロマンティック夏モード
5. POP

Worst 5 releases:
1. (つд`)
2. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Worst 5 songs:
1. (つд`)
2. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Top 5 band members:
1. 眞呼
2. aie
3. Kazuya
4. Toki

Top 5 releases:
1. in the direction of sunrise and night light
2. siteOfScafFold
3. sublimianl effect
4. no alternative
5. 雨降りの向日葵

Top 5 songs:
1. follow the night light
2. 桜と雨
3. カフカ
4. 雨降りの悪い夢
5. when the saints go marching in

Worst 5 releases:
1. (つд`)
2. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

Worst 5 songs:
1. (つд`)
2. (つд`)
3. (つд`)
4. (つд`)
5. (つд`)

There are some songs I don't like but I can't remember which, and I can't be fucked to listen to every song to find out. I didn't dislike many anyway.. xD

Well that's done and Jesse's coming over now, so, just in time!

music: emmurée, music: sugar, meme, music: fatima, diary, music: ミドリ, music: deadman

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