I Feel (Slightly) Old...

Mar 31, 2008 08:07

The older of my two sisters is 12. She's in her first year of junior high, so she's going through puberty and all that. XP
She's wearing what her friends are wearing, sort of like punk rock style clothes with the girly skulls on them and what not.
She's into the new music that's out like Chris Brown, and Fall Out Boy and whatever else is out there.
She watches musicals... well, the first one she watched was Phantom of the Opera, but then it went to movies like High School Musical, High School Musical 2, Dream Girls, Hairspray, and Across the Universe. Phantom of the Opera and Across the Universe I approve of. XD;;
She emails (not as much as the younger of the two), and texts her friends, but she doesn't have an instant messenger... yet.

But besides knowing that she does all these things, there was something that happened recently that made me think "Wow, I kinda -am- her sister."

When everyone was getting in the car, she was sitting in the front, so while I was warming up the car, I see something in her hand that she was reading. When I look down, I -knew- what it was...

It wasn't one of the mangas that I let her borrow, it was one of her friends.
Contrary to what I was thinking at the time, I replied with "You know I have manga in my room too."

And now part of my thought is thinking as to what manga I should let her borrow from my (VERY limited) choices.


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