Hub 4 Report

Apr 12, 2010 20:42

Good evening and welcome to the Official Suki Blue Hub 4 Report. Any other reports claiming to be an Official Suki Blue Hub 4 Report are fake and should be reported immediately the Official Suki Blue Fake Reports Office. Someone official will get back to you in due course. Any official complaints of fake official reports made that turn out to be fake will be treated with a severe frown. Thank you for your understanding.

Starting at the beginning, because starting at the end would be stupid, kitty_poker1 and I drove into another dimension. We didn't get lost once and we were on time all weekend, even making it down from our room before sweet_exile and accioscar on at least one occasion.

The Park Inn Northamption is a fantastic hotel with lovely rooms and reasonable prices (except for the breakfast -- thank feck for Subway). As usual the event itself was well organised. There seemed to be fewer people this time, which is probably due to no John or Gareth, and the queues were even faster than usual. There wasn't a lot of waiting around. All the photographs went very smoothly and I only lost my cool-factor twice, once when I hugged Antohny Lewis and said 'OMG, you're so cute!' and again when I ran at Tom Price with my arms open wide, screeching 'PC ANDY!' But in my defense, Anthony Lewis is stunning when you first see him in the flesh and Tom Price was amused and said 'Hello, Person!' when he squeezed me. I also told Eve she looked fabulous, which she did, and she squeezed me too.

The signings were all fun and I got all excited when I saw Tom Price again, and I told him he was the best one. He slammed his palm down the table and shouted 'THERE, I'M THE BEST ONE!'

So, as usual, I made a tit out of myself. I would be disappointed in myself if I didn't.

The talks were hilarious. The lack of Gareth meant there wasn't the same level of smut as usual, but with Kai, Eve and Tom on the stage together, we didn't need it. Best talk moment was when someone asked if anyone had any party tricks and Ian Hilditch did a very strange thing with his mouth which Tom Price said sounded like a Wookie having an orgasm. Kai could whistle like someone was playing squash, Anthony Lewis did a baby crying and the wonderful Ian Gelder did 'surprised orgasm'. I laughed until I cried. Talking of crying, Kai sung the song he sings to his unborn son and Eve cried, which made most of us well up, too. I'm welling up just thinking about it.

Hanging out at The Hub was fabulous as usual. The party on the Friday night was a lot of fun and accioscar and I chucked some pretty decent shapes on the dancefloor. The party on Saturday wasn't nearly as good, probably due to the lame music. They had a rodeo spider, which freaked me out and we watched Kai ride it until he fell off.

Two classic moments stand out for me. The first involved piksa when she taught us some Finnish and accioscar and I made up a new album, which was somewhat like The White Album, but we called it The C*nt Album. It would contain classic dance songs such as Cotton-Eye C*nt and there would be something on it for every c*nt. You had to be there so let's just say that we broke piksa and leave it at that. The second incident was at dinner on Sunday with kitty_poker1, accioscar and sweet_exile and it involved 4 sticky toffee puddings, sprinting across a pub and frightened barstaff. They thought accioscar was some sort of crazy, but I'm reasonably sure they just saw me as her slightly dim-but-harmless friend. I came *that* close to ordering 4 stickily toffee barneys. Don't ask.

It was a good con and it was nice to get away. As usual Showmasters did us proud. They even organised a screening of the episode Meat with live commentary from Colin Teague, Naoko Mori, Eve Myles and Kai Owen. It was weird watching Ianto again after so long. They told us they really want to do a season 4, but they haven't been told whether or not they'll be one. Personally, I think we've lost Torchwood to the States. That might be for the best. Who knows.

I didn't spent too much money this time, but I couldn't resist a small cuddly Yoda and 'The Eleventh Doctor "Crash" Set'. It's the one that has two figures, one of the raggedy Doctor and one of him in his tweed. It's the variant edition with the blue bow tie, so I'm reluctant to take them out of the packaging and am thinking of buying the normal edition. Am I mad?

Kitty and I had a nice lie-in this morning. Kitty was pleased to have no alarm. I woke her up repeatedly on Saturday morning with Muse on my iPhone and she looked at me like she wanted to kill me. Hee! Whoops! Driving back home, we passed back into our own dimension and promptly drove the wrong way for half an hour on the M25. We felt much more comfortable with this. All that luck and good planning was freaking us out.

So yeah, we had a brilliant time and Showmasters even made sure their timings allowed us all to scuttle back to our hotel rooms to watch this week's Doctor Who. That's consideration. Plus they wanted to watch it too.

the hub 4, conventions, conversations that made me lulz, torchwood, 11th doctor, doctor who, doctor who toys

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