Aliens Made Them Do it ... for a start.

Feb 22, 2010 18:57

I think it's the law that every fandom has to have a version of the Aliens/Sex Pollen/Spell/Magic Potion/Evol Enemy Who Shackles Them Together/Broken Alien Tech Made Them Do It genre. It was my favourite genre in the Stargate: Atlantis fandom and I'm rather partial to Posion Ivy's rampant pollen getting up Dick's nose in the DC Comics fandom.

Here is a version of it in the Star Wars fandom All in the Name of Science -- Luke/Han. What cracks me up about this one is that the aliens totally remind me of Dobby the House Elf and now I'm picturing a whole off-shoot House Elf civilisation travelling the galaxy obsessed with sex between humans.

So, genres, any fandom, what's your favourite? Please feel free to link to a favourite fic, again any fandom because there's allsorts on my flist. Mpreg? Animal Transformation? Total AU's (such as Earth AU in SGA or non-magical in HP or non-vamp in Btvs)? Creature Fic? Kid Fic? Tag Fics? Crack? H/C? Post-Hogwarts? Song Fic? SomethingI'veneverheard of Fic?

star wars, fic pimp, meta

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