
Jan 04, 2010 19:25


The urge seized me like sudden cystitis and I had the get the box open as soon as was humanly possible. So with a deep breath and a head-rush, I grabbed my nail sissors and ripped open the cardboard receptacle. And there he was resting atop three other Wave 2 figures (I must say, Captain John looks astonishingly good!). I lifted him from the box and released him from his plastic coffin. He is now happily standing on my desk next to Captain Jack.

There was me waiting all this time until I could accept Ianto's death. Today, it hit me, I don't have to accept his death. Instead, I choose life. I choose acceptance that Ianto lives and I don't care how. Sometimes I might believe that he lives on in another dimension. Sometimes I will believe that CoE happened and Ianto is then brought back via whatever method I deem satisfying. Sometimes I will believe that canon is one dimension and fanon is its bigger brother and Ianto lives on in the fanfic I have read and loved. I can't pretend that everyone I love is alive, but I can believe in Ianto.

I've even uploaded two Torchwood icons! Only one question remains: Did I miss any good fic while I was gone?

torchwood, ianto's box, ianto, children of earth

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