Holy Picspam!

Aug 07, 2009 17:33

Under the cut is a picspam of the 1966 Batman movie. I watched the re-runs of the Batman series as a wee-one in the late seventies/early eighties, but I'd never seen the film before. So five-quid-from-Amazon-later the DVD landed on the dog's head and I laughed my arse off for an hour and a half (Not at the dog).

Alongside the pics I have also included a few icons. Everything is free to take, alter, customise, feed into the Batcomputer.

Any film that has this in the first scene gets my Batseal of approval. Yes, it's a shark and it latched onto Batman's leg after he tried to land on an invisible boat on a rope ladder attached to a helicopter shaped like a bat.

Here is the adorkable Dick Grayson -- Robin I. As you can see, he is struggling with his stick. Well, with a great big shark attached to your boss's leg, you would, wouldn't you?

Batman radios up to him a request.

For Bat shark repellent.

We get to see Robin's considerable prowess on the rope ladder. Did I say prowess? I meant wobbles.

Here is the Dynamic Duo at a press conference where they cleverly answer no questions at all. A boat that disappears? Now wouldn't that be silly?

No, it's perfectly logical.

They lost me somewhere around the giant magnifying lens and a weird fixation I suddenly developed about Robin's gloves. I might need glove!fetish!fic.

I love it when he mishes his hands together. Did he do that a lot in the series? I don't remember.

And now they are speeding across the ocean in the Batboat to find a suspect buoy.

Unfortunately Catwoman, The Joker, Riddler and Penguin turn it into a giant magnet, pinning our lads by the utility belts, and fire torpedoes at them. Luckily, Batman has a handy gadget that can somehow blow the torpedo up before it hits them. But then a third torpedo is fired and ... oh no ...

"Confound it! The batteries are DEAD!"

It's okay. Luckily a passing porpoise valiantly threw itself in front the torpedo, selflessly giving its life for Batman's and Robin's. Or maybe it was suicidal and had just haddock enough of it all.

This is Batman calling the Bad Joke Police.

You're wondering how much of that is true, aren't you? Can it really be or is Suki just being her normal piss-taking self? The truth will kill the left side of your brain.

Then a rocket takes off. I forget why. Could be the brain damage or it could be because I was too busy wiping tears of mirth from my eyes.

Dastardly! Robin mishes again.

And Batman has some riddles for him to solve. You guys have a go, too. Batman: What has a yellow skin and writes?

Robin thinks really hard about it: A ball-point banana!

Batman: Exactly! Two: "What people are always in a hurry?"

Robin: Rushing people? Russians!

Batman: Right again! Now, what would you say they mean?

Robin: Banana... Russian... I've got it! Someone Russian is gonna slip on a banana peel and break their neck!

Batman: Precisely, Robin! The only possible meaning!

Put it this way, if I'd ever owned this film on video tape, that part would be worn thin.

Robin and Alfred undercover tailing Batman and Miss Kitka, which I kept hearing as Miss KitKat, which in turn made me crave one, but we only had Galaxy. I ate it but, you know, it wasn't the same.

Sorry. I know. It's old. But how could I not?!?! It's not like it ever stopped being funny. Like farting.

Next Batman finds a bomb and tries desperately, and for a long time unsuccessfully, to get rid of it. What follows is an act of sheer genius, which according to the documentary on the DVD was part planned and part ad-lib.

I think it was the ducks that did me in. And on top of that, Batman delivers a line that I'm sure went down in Batman history: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"

More mishing.

And some more. Yeah, I definitely have a fixation. It's official. I might start a comm where all posts must contain reference to Robin's gloves otherwise I shall delete said posts with all the might of my modly index finger. Not really. I do like the gloves, though. Muchly.

I don't really remember why the Batcopter crashed, but look at that landing! That's the luck of the Bat, that is.

I do remember that Batman and Robin are racing to the United World Organization building before the evol villains de-hydrate the entire United World Security Council.

Don't worry, Bats. I have the same trouble with the lifts at work. There aren't any other languages as such, but the Braille foxes me every time.

Too late. The entire Council are de-hydrated and are now nothing but little piles of powder on their chairs. Fiendish!

Now, I like Batman and Robin. And I also like Joker, Riddler, Catwoman and Penguin. There's only one way to decide this:


I felt really sorry for that cat.

Get the fucker, Dick, because in several years, that c*** is going to do something terrible to your friends and family.

Yes, woobie moment needed. Does anyone else really need to cuddle him right now?

Batcuffs. Kinky. That's a different sort of comfort. Bad bat!

BatKaraoke anyone? "Tommy used to work on the docks ...!'

Thank goodness, the entire United World Security Council is in little tubes! Either that or someone's been to the Isle of White recently. Bonus points if you get that joke.

At a loss, Batman and Robin take advice from Special Agent Gibbs: listen to the scuttlebutt.

And the United World Security Council gets re-hydrated and that's the end. Ta daaaa!

Those of you who don't know me so well might think I've been a bit harsh in my piss-taking, but those who know me from my Merlin and Torchwood picspams know that I only do this when I fall in love.

And to end, I've made a few icons. I'll be making some more to go in a larger post with some Battle for the Cowl Nightwing icons, but that will probably be next week now.

Hope you enjoyed the picspam.

dick grayson, icons by me, dc comics, batman, robin, picspam

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