(no subject)

Aug 01, 2009 20:03

Does anyone know or can anyone take an educated guess when the BBC will start filming season 4 of Torchwood?

My box from Forbidden Planet containing my wave 2 TW figures remains unopened. It's become a sort of a symbol now and I shall only open it once I have gained complete acceptance of you-know-what.

I will keep you updated on Ianto's Box as my mental state becomes less and less questionable. Yep, I am definitely still in the realms of Insane, but I'm starting to slide back into the less volatile region of Crackers. I finally got around to reading Battle for the Cowl and I've decided that Damien is fantastic. I've always liked him even though he is a dangerous little shit, but I think he's going to make a fascinating and fun Robin. See? Crackers.

Also, I got bored with watching Smallville season 6, so I decided to re-watch season 1 of NCIS. I really need to picspam Tony's hair. And the Iguana scene.

Had a weird couple of days. I was in such a good mood on Friday and then a CD arrived from my sister with footage of us with our brother from our Mum's 50th birthday party last year. There was only about three minutes of footage, but I sat and watched it solidly for a good half hour. I was fine at first, and laughed at my mum's expression as she opened the pub door and fifty or so people shouted 'SURPRISE!!' Then I laughed at Steven's embarrassed little expression when he realised he was being filmed. I remember that day like it happened yesterday and find it hard to believe what's happened since. Sometimes when I cry I feel better, like I've got something out of my system, but this time I couldn't breathe and I felt sick and then I was just numb. It feels like something is lodged inside me and it won't shake loose.

I'm not sure why I felt the need to share that. Maybe I really am becoming emo!! Oh ... I wore a black t-shirt today. I NEVER wear black t-shirts. OMG!!

(I'm aware that I owe one billion and eight emails to various people and I shall answer them all tomorrow, I pwomise!)

torchwood, tony dinozzo, dc comics, ncis, ianto's box, robin, rl stuff, damien

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