Fic Recs -- Criminal Minds and NCIS

Jul 27, 2009 13:07

I'm crawling through these two fandoms at snails' pace. My general fandom glee seems to have wilted of late. I can't seem to muster up my YAAAAYYYY!!! factor. Still enjoying the feel of shiny new fandoms, though. There's something about picking through fic which is entirely new and finding that one genuine diamond amongst the piles of cubic zirconium.

Anyway, here's some recs.

Criminal Minds

What Goes Around by Rushlight, Amy, Diagonalist, and Gin. Reid/Gideon.

Gideon introduces Reid to the wonders of socialization, among other things.

Beautifully written. Thank you, snowpuppies for rec'ing this to me in the first place.

My Lonely Heart by Rushlight. Reid/OMC, Reid/Gideon.

Reid's new boyfriend turns out to be anything but the man of his dreams.

Please read the fic warnings on this one.

A Rock and a Hard Place by Rushlight. Reid/Hotch.

Reid and Hotch are kidnapped during the course of an investigation.

Reid gets kidnapped a lot in this fandom, doesn't he? Poor woobie. No warning on this one, but I think there should be. I don't want to give anything away, but watch out for the non-con sorta. You can beat me around the head later for that, but I'd rather not be responsible for anyone reading something that might upset. Great fic.

Misdirection by Miriam Heddy. Reid/Gideon.

Read and Gideon talk

I love Reid in this. I could hear his voice co clearly.


Rictus by Sequitor.

This is the story of how Gibbs met Tony. It's long and plotty with spot-on characterisation. It's a hard fic to read because of the subject matter being dealt with, which is the investigation of the rape and murder of several children in Baltimore. Very unpleasant and the fic itself has a very gritty feel to it. Brilliant, and I completely believe this is how Gibbs and Tony met. It's technically gen, but if you squint (which I do permanently now anyway) it can be easily read as pre-slash.

criminal minds fic pimp, criminal minds, gibbs/dinozzo, gibbs, tony dinozzo, hotch, ncis, gideon, fic pimp, reid/hotch, multi-fandom recs, reid/gideon, gibbs/dinozzo recs, reid

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