Fic Rec and NCIS Season 6 Reaction

Jun 16, 2009 19:48

I finished watching season 6 of NCIS this week and my reaction is as follows: Eeeep!

Under the cut is a slightly more detailed reaction:

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And ...


Well, she didn't really fuck up, but she did. Sort of. I really don't buy her being in love with Michael. Do we think there's a twist there or was it just unbelievable?

Now, as some of you may have guessed ~cough~ Kitty ~cough~ I love Tony with every inch of my body and soul. He is my woobie. So I am totally taking his side. Yeah, no doubts he was jealous but I think he did the right thing, and it's not like Gibbs didn't know there was a problem. Therefore, I blame Gibbs. He was the Agent in charge and he should have talked to Ziva.

Vance needs a kick up the arse. 'Take one for the team'. Yeah, you take one, buddy! How 'bout I break your whole arm off and stuff up your backside sans lube!

Erm, I do like him, though. And I like Ziva and I find myself concerned for her, damn it! I'm just going to assume that when she's rescued in season 7 she'll realise that she judged Tony incorrectly. Yis.


And now for some fic pimps

A Thousand Miles (Mend What is Broken) by chatona -- Gibbs/DiNozzo

“I want you to come home, Tony.”

This was originally rec'd to me by motschekiebchen who was one of the many people people who responded to my plea for NCIS recs (and thank you, btw, to everyone who commented with what were some brilliant fics). Anyway, why should you read this one? Because it's beautifully written. Simples!

Tony's Dry Spell by xanthestories -- Gibbs/DiNozzo

Tony finds out the *real* reason for his recent lack of hot sex.

This is a tag fic to Ep 6x18 Knockout, and it's total crack. Very funny. Also, within this here fic, the author explains one of the biggest mysteries surrounding the entire show. I totally buy it. Do you?

That's it for recs, and I would like to end this post on a slight change of subject. My post-NCIS telly-watching project is Criminal Minds. I am nine eps into season 1. OMG, REID!!! NEW WOOBIE!!!! ~huggles him~ I'm loving the father and son thing going on between him and Gideon. But who to slash him with ...? Wait, do I have to slash everyone? Yeah, pretty much.

ncis, criminal minds, gibbs/dinozzo, reid, gibbs/dinozzo recs

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