I spent the day with James Marsters

May 03, 2009 19:37

Yes, you heard that right! Yesterday, kitty_poker1 and I attended James's Mastersclass. It was a rather pricey event, but worth every single penny. It was just what I needed to take my mind off things at home. And as I suspected, James and Gareth David-Lloyd were fabulous together.

After much getting lost and walking in circles and meeting writan_bur for lunch (lovely to see you again, luv!), Kitty and I arrived at our Gorgeous Hotel of Many Stairs and made our way to the Drill Hall. Doors opened at 12.00 and after a very funny intro from Steve, we were called in rows for the photos.

You know, I thought I was close to falling down when I had my photos done with Gareth at The Hub 2, but with James my nerves were a thousand times as bad. I just couldn't believe I was queuing up to finally meet the great Marsters. Holy shit, I was so scared, and when I got to the front, he shook hands with me, said something I can't remember because I was trying not to faint, and looked deep into my eyes. For those few seconds, he was all mine and I felt like the most special person in world. Seriously, that man knows how to treat his fans. It was the perfect moment to say something fabulous and profound. But I froze. My mind went completely blank. So instead we posed for the picture, I asked if I could hug him, he said of course and pulled me into a very tight hug. James might be small, but he's strong -- I was at a weird angle and was leaning almost my entire weight on him and he just held me very firmly. If he'd let go, there would have been a fantastic comedy moment and I would never again have been able to look deep into his eyes..

After the trauma of the photo and the squeeing afterwards, I bought a ticket for a photoshoot with James and Gareth. Cue a complete repeat of shaking hands, James staring to my eyes and my brain turning to jelly, but this time with the added handicap of the Gareth Wobbles. OMG, I could barely breathe. Gareth was in good spirits. He was standing to the side of the photoshoot watching everyone have their extra photos with James taken and when I stepped up, squished up to James and the assistant person waved him over, he jumped into action and seemed to spring from the side of the room to behind me, something like a kitten pouncing on a stray piece of fluff. Click! And then he was off again after a felt fish on a rod.

The actual Marstersclass started in the afternoon and consisted of James and Gareth talking about acting. It was very interesting and amusing, but the highlights were James and Gareth making us all look stupid with vocal and physical warm-ups. Gareth and his 'Proper cup of coffee/Motherfucking tea,' exercise was all kinds of funny. But then came the best bit probably of the whole day. James and Gareth reenacted scenes from the Yoko Factor (Giles and Spike, Btvs) and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (Jack and Ianto 'office' scene, Torchwood) and then acted them again with deliberate badness. Firstly it was an honour to watch them play the scenes normally. How many other people can say they've seen Buffy of Torchwood performed live on stage? But then the badness came and I nearly wet myself. I would give almost anything to watch it all over again. James did a fantastically childish Spike and a wonderful Jack trying to get laid, and Gareth did a hilariously over-dramatic Giles and a Ianto who could rival any blushing Victorian virgin. There was touching, inappropriate closeness and James made me laugh until everything hurt when he overacted searching the invisible office. It was worth the £130 ticket price just for those scenes.

Next there was a Q & A session with both boys. I can't remember most of it, except shapinglight asked the best question. Would James consider writing the Spike comic and if so what would the story be about? James gave us a very full answer and described his ideas which he had originally come up with for the Spike TV movie. Sounded pretty good to me!

Next there was stuff that I can't remember and then we had autographs. I didn't pay for an auto with Gareth because I was running out of cash and my photo with him and James hadn't come back from printing yet. Gareth then left with Gemma because he had a gig in Belfast the next day. We waved goodbye and then it was time to get autos with James. The nerves churned my stomach again but this time I was actually able to speak to him, and I thanked him for putting on the event and told him he was was fabulous (God, I'm such a fangirl).

Overall, I shook hands with him four times, which in La La Suki Land means we're married with babies.

It was time for a break before the evening concert, so Kitty and I went back to the hotel to check in properly and then go get some food. We found a Spaghetti House and had a lovely meal and the best ice cream I've ever tasted. Something terrible happened next. Kitty thought James had a support band, I thought he was starting half an hour later than he was, we got lost on the way back to the Drill Hall, and consequently missed over half his gig. Shit. A bit gutted, even though we've seen him play a thousand times. Never mind, we managed to catch about five songs altogether and he was very good, bless him. I'm the only person in the world who thinks the whistling rocks.

After it was all finished we attempted to stay at the bar for a while, but the music was ridiculously loud for such a small room, so we all migrated outside, which was good for those of us on the fags. And lucky for us, James and his entourage bustled out of the door we were standing outside and we got to say goodbye.

It was a great day. I really needed it, and it was fabulous to see shapinglight and sueworld2003 again. trepkos was also lovely, and she and Shaping' came back to our hotel room for tea.

Today, weirdly, Kitty and I got up at the crack of shit for no real reason, and had a lovely breakfast. The sausages were so good that even Kitty ate one!!! I liked the eggs.

Afterwards, Kitty and I went to the National Portrait Gallery. I dearly wanted to see Percy Shelley's portrait, and Mary Shelley and Lord Byron. Percy's portrait is so beautiful and I spent a long time just staring at it. We then quickly viewed some of the Tudor portraits, notably Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I. Next stop gift shop where I'd planned to buy a print of the Percy Shelley portrait. While checking it had printed okay and was to my satisfaction, I admitted I had a bit of a crush on him. One of the sales girls agreed with me, the other thought we were both nutters.

And that is the end of my story. Kitty and I parted company at the nearest tube station and I had a smooth journey home.


gareth hugs, torchwood, james marsters, james hugs, pics, btvs, ianto, gareth david-lloyd

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