Just in Case

Jan 08, 2009 20:56

I have now officially joined the ranks of The Great Livejournal Panic 2009. There is a panic, yes? If not, I wish to start one, lol.

No, seriously, after the demise of Woolworths I'm willing to be cautious about the prospect of any company folding under the pressure of the current financial climate. LJ is no different. It's just me being practical. Therefore I have backed up to LJArchive and re-posted my last 164 posts to my Insanejournal (which I should have done as I went along anyway, otherwise what was the point in having it).

If anyone else is interested in protecting their Livejournal posts from potentially disappearing, please see THIS POST. I followed this advice in 2007 and again tonight and it's done me proud.

backing up, ljsec, ljarchive, lj probs, insanejournal

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