Holy Cow!

Dec 18, 2008 20:15

I told you I needed that slave child. Just finished wrapping some Christmas presents. Two and a half hours! And that was just for the prezzies I'm taking to my mum's on Saturday. Seven adults, 4 kids, 1 baby. Eeek, I'm sure there weren't so many people last time I looked.

I'm also in shock over my Christmas presents from Grandad. I had a feeling it was coming. You know when you can just sense something in the air? Well, about an hour ago Grandad thrust a wad of notes at me and insisted I order myself a Playstation 3. I honestly hadn't even mentioned wanting one, but Grandad being Grandad, perceptive, sneaky and slightly senile, just knew. I'm not sure I deserve such a wonderful gift, but when I tried to decline he got the hump, lol. Holy frak, I'm getting a Playstation 3!!!

family, christmas, playstation 3

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