TW and BTVS Recs and Chatter

Nov 30, 2008 19:06

Recs first.

Compromise by sam_storyteller -- Jack/Ianto

After the Beacons, Ianto's inner censor is offline and Jack refuses to go home. German expressionism ensues.

Post Countrycide fics are among my favourites in this fandom and this is the one I feel I've been waiting for all my life. As always with this author, it's beautifully written with perfect character voices, bouncing dialogue and interesting narrative. Plus, it proper hits the H/C buttons.

Children of Time is a relatively new Doctor Who/Torchwood fic archive run by our very own shannon730. Clear, well orgainised and thought out, it rivals and, in my opinion, betters A Teaspoon and an Open Mind.

It's Spander comm bloodclaim's 5th birthday coming up (tomorrow?) and in celebration of this, the gorgeous and talented literati has posted a big batch of Spander icons. Lit is a good friend of mine, but putting that aside for a brief moment, these are the best Spander icons I've seen in a very long time.

Now on to the chatter.

I took my iPod to work yesterday and I have now therefore listened to John Barrowman's new album, Music, Music, Music twelve trillion times. Along with the two tracks I mentioned last time, What About Us? and I Know Him So Well, I am now completely in love with the grand campness of I Am What I Am and the quiet Angel which I'm positive will make me cry if it catches me at the wrong/right moment.

Does anyone else find this news story about Gay Penguins Stealing Eggs absolutely heartbreaking?

And speaking of eggs:

torchwood, btvs pimp, tw pimp, jack/ianto, john barrowman, doctor who fic, janto pimp

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