Life After NaNoWriMo

Nov 25, 2008 21:04

Oh my god, it's so wonderful to browse LJ again. First thing tomorrow I'm going to work on a Christmas layout, and then I'm going have a major fiddle with my filters. I'm going to compress them right down because even before NaNoWriMo stole my life, it was impossible to keep up and all I achieved was looking at one or two journals while I flailed at the sheer amount people on my flist. The addition of lots of TW and Merlin friends has tipped me over the edge. Can't do! So I must make a new filter and I must be sensible and realistic about it this time. Yis. Trim time.

My Merlin DVD (Vol. 1) arrived this morning. I kissed it and then felt faintly embarrassed, even though the dog was the only one to witness it. I cannot get the last ep out of my mind. The slash just gets more and more blatant and it's at the point now that when the het finally comes, I'm going to be gutted. I've even started to convince myself that as this is such a dramatic re-telling, maybe they will make Merlin and Arthur gay.

I have been re-watching Stargate: Atlantis Season 3 (got it for my birthday). I made it to Echoes last night. I think that's my favourite ep. I love the shouting. John: WHAT? BWAHAHAHAHA!

I see the LJ notifications are still up the creak. Or is it just me?

I LOVE my cuddly Adipose and I'm terrified it will get dirty.

My HD fic, Parity Transformations just clicked over to three pages of comments. I am stupidly pleased by this.

I am addicted to John Barrowman. He rules my brain. I can't wait to see him live. Kitty and I are going to make a real occasion of it, including a bitchin' lunch and a swanky hotel. Thank god I've got seven months to plan my outfit and consider my hair.

Book-wise, I am a third of the way through the MASSIVE Mists of Avalon (another birthday present). It's wonderful! I hope to speed up a bit now that NaNo is done. I also started Twilight on the way to my sister's on Saturday. I've just got to see what the fuss (good and bad) is about. I hoped to read a nice chunk of it on the way home, but the trains from London down to Brighton were thrown into chaos on Sunday and the journey home turned into a living nightmare involving only ONE train from Victoria to Gatwick. Thank fuck I can run fast when I need to. There was also pushing and shoving and the exchange of angry words. Awful.

My sister took me to my mum's new house and we made her get her Christmas tree down from the loft so we could decorated it. I definitely felt a 'moment', doing that for the first time and so did my mum (For those of you new to this journal, I only met my mum, sisters, brother, nephew and many nieces about a year and a half ago). Best moment, though, was when my sister spotted someone outside trying to open her car door. She stood at the window, hands on hips, angry expression: "What does he think he's doing?!?!" I'm sure she would have looked quite threatening and scary if it hadn't been for the bouncy santa deely boppers on her head.

Well, I think that's all for now. I just needed to have a blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah moment and get it all out in one go. God, I've missed you, LJ ~clings~ Now I'm going to bed to watch the extras on my Merlin DVD and then some SGA.

slashy thoughts, parity transformations, arthur/merlin, sga eps, family, personal stuff, john barrowman, sga, merlin, rl stuff, my hp fic

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