My day, the Hub, zombies and stuff.

Oct 28, 2008 18:11

It's been one of those crazy batshit days today. Even considering my fuzzy head and neck ache, I've been bouncing about all day. It all started when I sat down in our staffroom this morning and examined the till receipt from my early morning shop. Giant White Baps. I chuckled at first and then it turned into this massive OMGSPORFLEGUFFAW!!!! that ( Read more... )

torchwood, dc comics, baps, the hub2, zombies

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booster17 October 29 2008, 00:27:05 UTC
Bart Allen is dead at the moment, that is true. I also have very strong suspicions that it won't be for much longer, given certain events.

And for Batman RIP to make any sense, you need Grant Morrison's drugs. Or start with Batman 676. Honestly, I'd ignore all the tie-ins, particularly the Outsiders ones.


suki_blue October 29 2008, 19:02:28 UTC
Bart Allen is dead at the moment, that is true. I also have very strong suspicions that it won't be for much longer, given certain events.

I swing dramatically from utter certainty that he's coming back soon (I thought he was in the Lightning Rod but I'm all behind now so who knows) to completely convinced he won't ever come back. Ahhhhh! It makes me dislike Wally and his stupid kids. What a waste of time. Bart got bumped for that!?!?!? But the thing is I used to really Wally and I don't want to hate him ...

Thanks, luv. I pretty much ignore the Outsiders now anyway. I've lost interest now Nightwing's not leading them. I'll be alright just reading Batman, Detective comics, Nightwing and Robin?


booster17 October 29 2008, 22:20:58 UTC
To be horribly, frankly honest - I'd ignore everything that's not Batman for RIP. Detective's got nothing really to do with it, save a mention of him looking for the Black Hand. But conversely, I'm really enjoying the Robin and Nightwing stories anyway. Both writers are doing excellently with the situation, and telling great stuff.

I've loved Wally for ages since New Teen Titans, but not liking the current run at all. :(


suki_blue November 2 2008, 20:21:11 UTC
I love Robin and Nightwing, and I think Tomasi is doing a fabulous job so far. I hope he gets to stay after his contract runs out because it's the best Nightwing we've ever had.


booster17 November 5 2008, 00:25:28 UTC
And so, inevitably, the flaming bastards have just canceled Nightwing.

And Robin.

And Birds of Prey.



suki_blue November 5 2008, 19:31:14 UTC

Tell me you're fcking joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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