Torchwood Rambles

Oct 22, 2008 19:19

It's been a while since I've mouthed-off about Torchwood so you were all overdue. Ahem.

Firstly, I would like to say how I simply cannot wait another second for S3. I've been a spoiler whore and it all sounds brilliant and the filming pics are just tantalising. I'm also working myself into an 'OMG, TELL ME THEY WON'T SPLIT JACK AND IANTO UP!' frenzy. I'm also worried about Rhys and PC Andy as they are the most expendable characters. Also, I have so much love for Rhys. Please don't let Gwen shit on him anymore. I like really her. I don't want that to change.

Secondly, I am so jealous of the folks who went to the Hub convention this weekend. I wish I'd gone. Although I have to say, I may not have survived the hug with Gareth or John. Still, I would give anything to witness all that snogging. Liek whoa. You've all seen the pics, yes? The best ones are HERE and HERE. Gareth sitting on John's lap does pleasant things to my brain.

Thirdly, I read The Torchwood Archives book today. Very cool. I highly recommend it to any fan. I was mega-chuffed that it had all the Captain's Blog stuff in it. I love reading the little bits Jack says about Ianto, like about having to replace the stopwatch when it was damaged "moving a desk", ha ha.

Fourthly, my friend R, who supports me through all my phases, obsessions and general craziness, spotted the latest three Torchwood novels in Tescos for four quid each, the same price as Amazon when I'd pre-ordered, and was still waiting for because they're totally out of stock. Demand must be high. This now means I will have to drop everything. Russell T Davies's The Writer's Tale will have to wait. Lancelot picspam will most likely be delayed. I'm on a tight reading schedule to clear my backlog of books before my birthday so I can rip open my birthday box from amejisuto and make an instant start on the new and shiny books within. Yays!!

Fifthly, I've been watching S1 commentaries. Cyberwoman and Countrycide so far because they're my fav S1 eps. I assume you guys have watched some of them? Are there any with John and Gareth? Which are the best ones to watch? I've only got a few days until my NCIS DVDs arrive, which is entirely Ame's fault :oD

I'll shut up now.

torchwood, tw pimp, jack/ianto, ianto, capt jack

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