Sep 16, 2008 20:15

More Than Flesh and Bone by misslucyjane -- Jacl/Ianto

Everyone has one night that changed their lives forever. Ianto's got a few.

Pre-series what-if-Ianto-and-Jack-met-years-before AU. Guh and Auw. I'm not big on AU's in this fandom (mainly because there's so much that can be done with canon), but this is going down as a favourite fic ever.

Taiga by lower_case_me Jack/Ianto

Set shortly after Countrycide. Jack takes Ianto on another outing. To Russia.

Understated and very sweet without the sap. This appeals to me because I wish a beautiful man like Jack Harkness would come and take me away from all this and show me something so wonderful that everything else bled away.

Rising from the Ashes (Anonymous poster at hd_inspired) -- Harry/Draco

Draco Malfoy never knew that he was, for a short time, Master of the Elder Wand. He also never expected to be saved from a fate worse than death by Harry Potter, of all people. But when “The Chosen One” chooses not to save his father, Draco sets out on a course to either reclaim the wand or make Potter pay, or both.

Beautifully written, tender but keeping it real. And the surprisingly hot image of Draco in dungarees will stay with me for the rest of my life.

And while I'm here, what's the best community for Doctor Who icons? I need to stock up.

torchwood, tw pimp, jack/ianto, hp pimp, harry/draco, janto pimp

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