Torchwood: Lost Souls Radio Play-- A Reaction Post

Sep 10, 2008 15:12

Major thumbs up.

For anyone interested in hearing my very spoilery reaction, please click the cut.

Firstly, just listening to John Barrowman's and Gareth David-Lloyd's voice is enough to entertain me for forty five minutes, so I didn't actually need the plot. But the plot was good and did a fantastic job of providing something exciting and new as well as dealing with the aftermath of Tosh and Owen's death at the end of S2. The characters are still right in the middle of grieving (and the plot is clearly set up to reflect that) and Jack is dead centre of blaming himself completely. Oh Jack.

I wasn't sure how TW would translate to radio, but actually it was very well done and it managed to hang on to most of the elements that we love about the show. There were several comedy moments and lol'd quite a few times. A disgruntled Jack was more than a little entertaining when Martha's cover for them to get into the facility was that Ianto was to be the Ambassador for Wales and Gwen his wife. A definite Janto moment was Ianto introducing Jack as his 'personal assistant', ha ha.

I loved the interaction between Gwen and Ianto, and I thought Gwen's character really shone. The alien attacks Ianto in the tunnel and Gwen uses all the strength she has to drag him to safety. Poor glowy Ianto, faced with the ghosts of Tosh, Owen and Lisa, and when he says he wants to be with them, my heart broke a little bit, gah!

I am slightly ticked off that Jack 'pressed the button of destruction' before he was sure Gwen and Ianto were safe, but I like to think that he actually did know and was just fucking with them. Yes, I'm sticking to that.

It was brilliant. And now I'm all fired-up for Season 3. Come on!!

Edit: Here's the download link

torchwood, jack/ianto, ianto

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